Degirmenci Dergisi Sayı 107 Kasım 2018

Measuring particle sizes and optimizing processes. Mobile Particle Size Measurement. In the ongoing process instead of in the lab Bühler’s Particle Size Measurement (PSM) MYTA provides an al- ternative to the classic laboratory sifter. It can be used for particle VL]H PHDVXUHPHQW LQ WKH ƑP UDQJH HLWKHU RQOLQH IRU continuous monitoring or as a portable unit for a wide variety of measuring positions. The result are reproducible end products with a constant particle distribution. Measuring the granulation: Automatically and in real time For online particle size measurement, a representative amount of product is taken using the integrated sampler and fed to the sensor back-to-back. The continuously calculated measurement results are shown and archived as a trend graph and as a numerical par- ticle size distribution. The measurement system is installed in the gravity spouting. Manual sampling is unnecessary which makes the measuring results representative, constant and also unrelated to the person doing the measuring. Optimization over the entire line The PSM (Particle Size Measurement) MYTA helps stabilize the entire grinding process. Problems in the ongoing process can be quickly detected. While the online version also allows automatic FRUUHFWLRQ DW D GHıQHG PHDVXULQJ SRLQW LQ WKH RQJRLQJ SURFHVV the mobile version is suitable as an alternative to the classic lab VLIWHU IRU GLijHUHQW PHDVXULQJ SRVLWLRQV $Q\ GHYLDWLRQV IURP WKH VHW SRLQW FDQ EH UHVSRQGHG WR LPPHGLDWHO\ 7KH VSHFLıFDWLRQ IRU WKH particle size is ensured. Thanks to the traceability, transparency is JXDUDQWHHG /DVW EXW QRW OHDVW WKH VHQVRU DOVR RSWLPL]HV WKH HĴ - ciency of a plant: faulty batches are avoided and the yield in relation to the correct particle size distribution is optimized. Mobile measuring unit The advantage of the mobile PSM (Particle Size Measurement) MYTA is its portability and easy operation. The system can be freely PRYHG WR GLijHUHQW PHDVXULQJ SRLQWV LQ WKH SODQW $Q H[WHUQDO SRZHU FRQQHFWLRQ DV ZHOO DV DQ DLU FRQQHFWLRQ LV VXĴFLHQW 2SHUDWRU HUURU is almost impossible. The control unit is an integral component of the system and delivers the granulation distribution within just a few PLQXWHV 7KH VRIWZDUH DOORZV DQ RijVHW WR EH HQWHUHG ZKLFK FDQ be used for a direct comparison to an individual sieve stack in the laboratory sifter. Information contact: Thomas Ziolko, Product Manager Milling Solutions Bühler AG in Uzwil / Switzerland Whether monitoring relevant grinding passages or end products: Particle size distribution is one of the most important parameters for millers in optimizing their grinding processes and in ensuring constant quality for their end products. For customers, such as bakeries RU SDVWD SURGXFHUV WKH GHıQHG GLVWULEXWLRQ RI SDUWLFOH VL]H LV GHFLVLYH IRU WKH VXFFHVV RI D UHSURGXFLEOH SURFHVVLQJ RI ljRXU RU VHPROLQD Innovations for a better world. Find out more