Miller Magazine Issue: 148 April 2022
69 MILLER / APRIL 2022 NEWS agriculture and food processing in- dustry is better understood. Noting that exports are an indispensable instrument for Turket, Gülle under- lined that every work done and every signature made in the event is a win. Ali Kalkan, Chairman of the Board of Parantez Fairs, said: “IDMA is a fair that has become a brand in the flour, feed and grain processing ma- chinery industry. With the bridges it has built between the producers and the investors for years, this event has introduced the sector worldwide, in- creasing competition and bringing quality to the sector. In the upcoming period, we will continue to serve and add value to the industry and to be the most important platform of the industry's international trade with new fairs in South Africa, Morocco, Russia and South America." We had the opportunity to listen to the exhibitors at the event. We talked to milling technology suppliers about the state of the industry, the effects of the pandemic and the lat- est trends in the industry. Many sup- pliers pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic once again proved the crit- ical importance of agricultural pro- duction, the grain industry and the food processing industry. While the pandemic negatively affected many sectors, technology manufacturers serving the food processing industry said that they increased their sales last year. Furthermore, some stated that they were booked up with full production capacity until the end of 2023 with the orders received. The matter that industry stake- holders were not happy with the most was that commodity pric-
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