Miller Magazine Issue: 148 April 2022
80 COVER STORY MILLER / APRIL 2022 Dry milling for deep processing of yellow peas “Manufacturers need to be confident that they can produce vegetable proteins that meet customer demands for product purity and functionality, and with an optimum yield. In a fast-moving, highly competitive global markets of vegetarian proteins, we need the flexibility to develop new products and processes. CESCO pro- vides modern solution from grain intake to flour and acts as a competent partner inside the biotechnological chain of adding value to grain and legumes.” “Manufacturers need to be confident that they can pro- duce vegetable proteins that meet customer demands for product purity and functionality, and with an optimum yield. In a fast-moving, highly competitive global markets of vegetarian proteins, we need the flexibility to develop new products and processes. CESCO provides modern solution from grain intake to flour and acts as a competent partner inside the biotechnological chain of adding value to grain and legumes.” As consumers around the world have become more mindful about their diets, there is an ever-growing demand in plant-derived proteins. Consumers are increasingly seeking more wholesome foods and beverages that con- tain natural ingredients. For decades plant-derived proteins have been used for a range of everyday foodstuffs, fitness foods and infant formulas. Today they make for a main ingredient in vegan or vegetarian food alternatives substituting their animal-based counterparts. Yellow peas are one of the main sources for manufactured pro- tein of this kind. They provide essential amino acids and have the practical feature as functional ingredients to add texture and/or optimize the viscosity, emulsification, stability, foaming or fat-binding properties to its basic foodstuff. Claims, that could be given to pea protein: • Gluten free • Non-GMO • High value vegetarian protein • Low glycemic index (high amylose) • Environmentally friendly pea production Manufacturers need to be confident that they can pro- duce vegetable proteins that meet customer demands for product purity and functionality, and with an optimum yield. The food industry in addition faces increasing challeng- es with respect to cost-saving, water and energy use, and other environmentally sustainable goals. These objectives coupled with the need to meet utmost efficiency and safety requirements have become important drivers for technol- ogy improvement. To succeed in these fast-moving, highly competitive global markets producers need flexibility to de- velop new products and processes. We as CESCO see ourselves as an essential partner in the whole chain of creating value-added products. CES- CO as a group of companies including MMW for grain mill- ing has a long-standing experience and has created new Dr. Thomas Strandt Senior Processing Technology Manager CESCO EPC GmbH
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