Miller Magazine Issue: 148 April 2022

82 COVER STORY MILLER / APRIL 2022 ments to the flour by the supplier of the following wet sepa- ration process into fibre, starch and protein fraction. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF FLOUR PRODUCTION CESCO can deliver the whole complex of Dry Mill designed to process of peas and to create pea flour according to above specifications. For a standard line of 12 t/h the fine cleaning sections contains all needed machines like separators, de-stoners and color sorter and ensures the optimal cleaning from main impurities and also the reduction of mycotoxin pollution. The implemented milling diagram is designed as an intensive short milling diagram where modern MMW roller stands RM-1250-250, plansifters PLS-08, air sift- ers and other surrounding equipment are used. The diagram as well as machine configuration (rollers parameters, plansifter sieve schemata, air sifter setting) are the result of our own investigation with a long-term partnership to the Potsdam Grain Research Institute IGV and new investigations with a private R&D centre, ser- vices provider of technical and scientific expertise fo- cused on proteins - IMPROVE located in Amiens, France. Investigations have led us to conclude that the way of shelling peas is essential for the efficiency of the plant. To indicate the effect different test runs were ex- ecuted with using abrasive shelling machines and with- out shelling machines, meaning by using roller stands only. This investigation has shown that separate shelling with abrasive shelling machines is not necessary and can be sufficient combined with a crushing process in- side the milling line with roller stands. The CESCO technology simplifies the whole mill dia- gram and lowers the whole investment while the prod- uct yield and quality are even better related to yield and cleanness of the flour. Also the structure of the husk is a “fluffy” one compared with a powder if using abrasive shelling. CONCLUSION In a fast-moving, highly competitive global markets of vegetarian proteins, we need the flexibility to develop new products and processes. CESCO provides modern solution from grain intake to flour and acts as a competent partner inside the biotech- nological chain of adding value to grain and legumes. • Techniques for upgrading of wheat/grain quality • High efficient Dry Milling Technology focused on: • Highest yield on flour and protein • High-capacity operation 24h/7d • Flour granulation profile according to request of wet process • Lowest degree on protein damage • Full utilization of by-products • State of the Art Machines made in Germany/EU • Complete Engineering + Turnkey solutions for Silo and Dry Mill Complexes • Long term experiences and actual references For more information, please contact Figure 3: Crushing with roller stand only Figure 4: Samples of raw peas and milled pea fractions