Miller Magazine Issue 107 / November 2018

18 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2018 Upbringing a person is difficult; creating information requires effort; the experience is expensive, and the only thing you cannot buy is experience. The sector lost a prominent figure and a doyen. This is a loss for the sector but this is a source of pain for every- body. If we can call someone “doyen” after his death, it means that we are saying the most beautiful thing we can say for the deceased person. The separation is painful but leaving a good memory is the most valuable thing. We lost Mr. Noyan Galip Erik that made everybody very upset because he left good memories behind him. He left artifacts, shared his information, brought up new people for the sector, and gave a hand. God rest his soul. TABADER presented him the award of “the Half Cen- tury in the Sector” with other doyens last year in which we organized “the First Gathering of Doyens” for the first time. Perhaps, his service was amount to a century to this sector. The happiness on his face and eyes just like other’s doyens on that day is not possible to forget. We had the opportunity to remember and mention many doyens that left us on the day of gathering that we archived the sec- tor’s history. All members of TABADER Board of Directors fell into pieces when we heard of the death of Mr. Noyan Erik. However, we said this: “Fortunately, we organized the Gathering of Doyens, and we had his name written in letters of gold in the history of sector.” Of course, nobody will live forever in this world, and everybody will die. It is crucial how you leave this world. Because we are sorry for his death, that means he left a trace on our hearts. It is our wishes that it is the same for everybody. Just like the last year, we will organize the Gathering of Doyens this year and will not forget our doyens. This is the duty that we have to fulfill for them and their families because they left good things for this sector. They fulfilled their duties. Now, it is our turn. Prof. Dr. Mustafa BAYRAM Dean of Food Engineering Department, Gaziantep University Chairman of TABADER After a doyen… Guest Author