Miller Magazine Issue 107 / November 2018
21 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2018 NEWS tion facility, corn storage facility with the capacity of 50.000 tons, and wheat storage facility with the capa- city of 20.000 tons. The whole milling buildings have steel construction while floors are set in wood. The capacity of this mil- ling facility can be enlarged if needed, and this can be realized without big changes. Two cleaning units of the plant work in diagonally, and the cleaning unit can be worked as one or two lines. One cleaning line can help work of two grinding units. In an hour, 70 tons of corn is cleaned. The corn cleaning is not similar to the wheat cleaning, and the rough clea- ning only includes the separation of big materials mixed into corn and heavier materials (stone, the ear of corn, big hays, etc.). Besides, the aspiration of the machine and product should be structured well. Later on, corns are heat-treated and rested. The latter period is shorter compared to the wheat’s rest. The organic fractures and protuberances that are separated from the corn are sent to the feed plant together with the corn bran by the hammer mill and used in feed production. In order to grind corn, vertical degerminators, roller machines, and eight-passaged sieves have been used. The grinned product has sharp edges, and thus meshes inside sieves are made from stainless steel in line with the structure of the corn. The inner side of the mesh is covered with stainless steel metal. All of the flow pipes and materials that the corn semolina, flour, and bran pass through are made of stainless steel. One of the most important points about corn processing is hidden in the internal structure of the machines rather than the number of machines. It means more production with fewer machines, which leads to higher energy savings. The aspiration of the facility is carried out by medium and hi- gh-pressure aspirators and electro- nic filters. In this way, environmen- tal pollution is not allowed. Since every point of the plant from corn intake to the transportation of se- molina, flour, and bran is controlled by means of automation and com- puters, so every detail is foreseen to minimize human errors.” South Africa, which ranks 10th in world corn production, is the most important corn producer in Sub-sa- haran Africa. According to the Tur- kish company, the region in which the plant located is placed in the middle regions where corn is pro- duced mostly in the country. The plant acquires corn from internal markets and imports wheat. “QUALITY OF UNORMAK CANNOT BE DISPUTED” The plant’s general manager Johannes stated that Unormak’s plant and machines meet the market’s demand and needs, adding that he is happy to work with Unormak Milling Machines. Saying that he works with Unormak since 2009, Johannes added that, “Sin- ce then, we have productive cooperation. Firstly, we established a corn semolina plant with a capacity of 100 tons/day and a wheat flour plant with a capacity of 100 tons/day. These two plants started operation in 2010 successfully. Demand also increases in South Africa as corn semolina is one of the main nutrients. Therefore, we started the project of 1600 tons/day corn semolina plant as soon as possible. The first pha- se of this project which was 2*400 tons/day capacity was successfully put into operation in November 2015. In 2016, we carried out the works of increasing the capacity of the existing plants and the 400 tons/day line which is the second phase of the 1,600 tons of corn semolina plant. In March 2017, we operated our 2*150 tons flour mill and ordered machines for the line of 400 tons corn semolina. At the end of the se- cond phase in September 2018, we have successfully completed and operated a total of 1,200 tons of corn semolina production capacity. We plan to commission the last phase of our plant in 2019. We are happy and pleased to work with Unormak Milling Machines. This is because they provide technical services after sales without delay. The quality of the machines they instal- led cannot be disputed. We are confident that we will have many successes with Unormak.”
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