Miller Magazine Issue 107 / November 2018

26 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2018 NEWS Archer Daniels Midland Company celebrated the opening of its modernized flour mill in Enid, Oklahoma. “For many decades, the Enid flour mill has served as a focal point for the region’s wheat harvest,” said Ke- vin Like, vice president, ADM Milling. “We’re building upon that legacy with upgrades to the facility that will provide even better service to our customers.” “Increasing food processing is one of our long-stan- ding agricultural goals for the state of Oklahoma,” said Governor Mary Fallin, who attended the ceremony. “This ribbon cutting represents progress toward that goal for Oklahoma, for Enid, and for our wheat produ- cers. The investment by ADM will ensure its long-term viability in our state. It also is another indication that our commitment to pro-business policies is helping to attract and retain a wide variety of jobs and businesses to the state.” The modernization project involved a complete ret- ro-fit of ADM’s existing mill in Enid, which was built in 1928. ADM replaced the two existing milling units with a single, highly-automated, state-of-the-art unit and will add a new, high-speed packer in Q1 2019 to help more effectively serve customers. The new mill will provide additional capacity to allow ADM to conti- nue to grow its customer base in the region. “Local farmers from America’s bread basket supply our mill,” Like said. “Along with helping customers and our business, the upgrades here will benefit our supp- liers here in the heart of wheat country. We’re excited to work with them from our improved facility and gra- teful for our continued partners- hip.” ADM Milling is one of the wor- ld’s largest flour millers, with mul- tiple wheat mills in the U.S. as well Canada, the Caribbean, Central America and the United King- dom. ADM is one of the world’s largest agricultural processors and food ingredient providers, with approximately 31,000 employees serving customers in more than 160 countries. It has a global value chain that includes approximately 500 crop procurement locations, 250 ingredient manufacturing fa- cilities, 38 innovation centers and the world’s premier crop transpor- tation network. ADM opens new flour mill in Oklahoma In the season 2017/18, the exports of wheat from Kazakhstan increased by 33% compared with the same indicator of the previous MY, and totaled 4.9 mln tonnes, declared the Customs Control Commit- tee at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Ka- zakhstan. Traditionally, Uzbekistan became the leader among countries-importers of the Kazakh grain, and conti- nued increasing the imports from Kazakhstan. So, in 2017/18 MY the shipment volumes to the country to- taled 2.1 mln tonnes, up 22% compared with the sea- son-2016/17. Tajikistan took the second position, and purchased 1.07 mln tonnes of Kazakh wheat (up 5% compared with 2016/17 MY). Also, Kazakhstan increased the supplies to Italy, which in 2017/18 MY stole the leadership in the ra- ting from Afghanistan and China, and imported 364 thsd tonnes of the grain. The growth of shipments to the reporting country totaled 85% compared with the previous season. At the same time, Italy mainly purc- hased durum wheat (93%) from Kazakhstan, reported APK-Inform analyst, Natalia Gavruk. According to her, Turkey and Azerbaijan also significantly increased the import volumes. In the season-2017/18, the export vo- lumes of wheat to the countries grew by 4.8 and 3.6 times, respectively. APK-INFORM Kazakhstan increases exports of wheat