Miller Magazine Issue 107 / November 2018
30 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2018 NEWS Brazilian farmers are expected to harvest up to 238.54 million tonnes of grain in the 2018/19 season, the government said, with the South American country potentially breaking its production record thanks to ex- pected corn and soy bumper crops. In the prior season, Brazilian farmers harvested some 227.91 million tonnes of grains like soybeans and corn, said Conab, the go- vernment food supply and statistics agency. Much of the gain is expected to be in corn, with output expected to rise as much as 12.75 percent to 91.08 million tonnes, Conab said in its first forecast for the 2018/19 season, which kicked off in September. Brazil’s soybean output could total 119.42 million ton- nes in 2019, roughly in line with this year’s record of 119.28 million tonnes, Conab said. Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of soy. Levels of farm credit, strong fertilizer sales and the intention of farmers to plant at least 61 million hec- tares (150 million acres) of grain all indicate a strong harvest.“If we have ideal weather ... we could have the biggest Brazilian grain crop,” Agriculture Minister Bla- iro Maggi said at a briefing to announce the forecast. Recent bumper crops have been eagerly sought by China, whose demand for Brazilian grains skyrocketed this year as a result of the country’s trade war with the United States.Conab expects Brazil to export 76 milli- on tonnes of soybeans in 2018, an all-time high since records began, and 75 million tonnes in 2019. Maggi said the hope is for strong Chinese demand to continue next year, although he was concerned that the high premium Brazilian soy was receiving over Chicago pri- ces could distort the market in the future. AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES EXPORTS TO HIT RECORD Brazil is on track to export a record $100 billion worth of agricultural products this year as demand for staple commodities like beef and soybeans from the South American country remain strong, the govern- ment said. The amount represents a 4.2 percent rise from last year and is slightly higher than the previous record of $99.97 billion in 2013, government trade ba- lance data show. In a statement, Agriculture Minister Blairo Maggi was quoted as saying the agribusiness sector is largely responsible for Brazil’s recent economic recovery. He added the country’s farmers and companies had been aiming for the $100 billion export mark for some time. “Agricultural exports account for about half of Bra- zil’s total foreign sales and about one fourth of the country’s economy,” Eumar Novacki, the ministry’s executive secretary, said at the same event. Brazil’s gross domestic product slumped 3.5 percent in 2016 and rose by 1 percent last year. In 2018, growth is ex- pected to be around 1.4 percent, the agriculture mi- nistry’s statement said. Brazil expects record grain harvest Brazil expects to harvest up to 238.54 mil- lion tonnes of grain in the 2018/19 season. “If we have ideal weather ... we could have the biggest Brazilian grain crop,” Agricultu- re Minister Blairo Maggi said. Piatydni LLC will launch an elevator with a capacity of almost 70,000 tonnes of grain and oilseeds in Vo- lodymyr-Volynsky (Volyn region) in 2018. According to a report on the website of Volyn Regional State Ad- ministration, the value of the object is $8 million. The construction of the elevator began in February of this year. It will provide a full range of services for accep- ting, cleaning, drying, storing and shipping grain and oilseeds. “Modern equipment and the availability of several lines allow simultaneously receiving not only different crops, but also grain of different quality and humidity. In addition, the elevator will load trains with raw materials for exports,” the administration said. The company will be able to ship 25 wagons per day. Some 80 jobs will be created here. Piatydni LLC was established in 2006. It specializes in production, processing and sale of agricultural produ- cts, cultivates almost 16,500 hectares of land. Ukranian Piatydni to launch 70,000-ton elevator
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