Miller Magazine Issue 108 / December 2018

another, local old bakeries are being closed down. The news appearing on the press has diffe- rent results in the sector. Apart from the decline in the bread sale, customers that want to buy healthy bread face with many tri- ckery situations. On the one hand; whole grains, historic seeds, and local wheat are shown more than the production, and the mixture is offered as flour. On the other hand, many types of bread la- beled as whole grain are baked with the mixed flour. While customers prefer to buy expensive bread in order to reach healthy bread, any type of bread that put on sale as whole grain bread or sourdough bread is not cooked at the desired quality level for the most of the time. Experts claim that school-age children need to eat th- ree slices of bread daily. Because of the negative covera- ge on grains, children do not intake protein and vitamin that they have to take through bread. Seventy-percent of Turkish people take sixty percent of their daily energy requi- rement from bread. When this reality is taken into considera- tion, the issue of he- althy bread turns into a very important sub- ject, and the bread issue becomes a nati- onal issue. Bread whi- ch is one of the most important elements in healthy nutrition should be reconside- red and restructured. In this sense, aware- ness should be raised about bread within both producers and consumers. In schools, there should be stu- dies on the right bread for children and mothers. There are difficulties on the side of bakeries. Bakeries find it difficult to bake bread with low gluten. So, they add wheat flour to such kinds of flour, and they cannot get the bread at the desired quality level. Thus, bakeries should undergo training on this issue. The project of national bread is very important in the- se challenging times that bakeries go through. In Turkey, many types of bread and wheat can have a geographical indication. In this sense, bread types such as Vakfıkebir, Kastamonu, and Afyon can be taken under protection with the geographical indication; brands of baked goods produ- ced with local seeds in these regions can be exported. Local seeds and bread brands should enter into the world market with innovative studies. For example, products prepared with flour having low gluten attract huge attention in the world market. In this sense, we should prepare products with Anatolia’s einkorn, iza, gacer, and kavlica wheat. Types of bread appear on the restaurant’s menu with their own brands. The bread brand is an important crite- rion in the selection of a restaurant. In this sense, every country creates its own bread brand, local sourdough, and bacteria bank. Anatolia’s bread baked with sourdou- gh dates back to twelve thousand years. “The first dining table in Heaven” The new book of Mine Ataman who says that the history of bread in Ana- tolia dates back to twelve thousand years ago is published. Bread artisan Ataman’s “The first dining table in Heaven” is meeting with the readers.