Miller Magazine Issue 108 / December 2018

26 MILLER / DECEMBER 2018 NEWS In the next marketing year, Ukrainian agribusiness Ker- nel plans to commission grain storages in Bilovody and in Nizhyn region.The Nizhyn elevator will be the largest grain storage in the Kernel infrastructure network. In-ta- ke rates will reach 10 thou. tons/day, drying — 5.2 thou. tons/day. The total grain storage capacity will amount to 113 thou. tons. According to Vadim Shelomienko, Head of the Capital Investment Service, there is a trend to increase the in-take and sipping capacity today in the elevator business. The- refore the company places emphasis on technological ef- fectiveness.“For instance, the Nizhyn elevator will be the leader in the company’s elevator network and one of the most powerful in Ukraine for accepting, drying and ship- ping agricultural products. In particular, in order to reach 10 thou. tons/day in-take rate, we increased the number of lines to four, which will allow us to simultaneously take 2-4 cultures of different quality. We use modern equip- ment from leading Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers to complete new capacities,” he added. Alexander Vol- kov, Head of the Railway Transportation Service, notes that the additional capacity will contribute to the work of the teams of the Grain and Oilseeds Procurement Depart- ment due to the increased turnover of elevators. This, in turn, will provide the possibility of purchasing additional volume of products.Since the beginning of MY2018/19, as of November 1, the Kernel elevators have accepted more than 2 million tons of grain crops. 73% of the total grain volume, which was delivered to the elevators, was produced by Kernel. LATIFUNDIST Alapala, one of the leading milling machinery pro- ducers, successfully delivered the Flour Mill Producti- on Capacity Expansion Project in Olam Ghana, leading agricultural company that supplies food and industrial raw materials to 70 countries and more than 22,000 customers worldwide. In 2011, Olam Ghana has ope- ned its flour mill with a production capacity of 500 tons/day, which was built with the Alapala’s experien- ce. In order to meet the increase in demand in Gha- na, Olam has increased its total production capacity to 1.100 tons/day, with 100 tons/day in the first phase and 500 tons/day in the second phase of the proje- ct, thanks to the Alapala’s expertise. In addition to the increase in production capacity of the mill, its storage capacity was increased with an additional 40,000 ton silo which was manufactured by the Turkish company. “As Alapala, we are proud to add a successful reference to our projects that follow the latest technology, sensi- tive to the environment which made a difference in the milling industry.” Alapala said in a statement. Kernel to commission two new grain storages next season Another successful project by Alapala for Olam Ghana