Miller Magazine Issue 108 / December 2018

MEETING WITH THE SECTOR 44 MILLER / DECEMBER 2018 From Konya to the world: Imas Another destination in Konya was Imas Machinery, a leading milling machinery manufacturer. Ebubekir Akbaş, the Corporate Communication Specialist of the company, accompanied us du- ring our visit to production facilities, as well as the mill in Çumra which was built to serve Torku, one of the largest agricultural companies of Turkey. Akbaş gave us some details about the global scale company which has exported machinery to 94 countries. They have completed around 40 turnkey projects within the last two years. They have participated 30 fairs this year and they are targeting new markets thanks to new orders from new parts of the world. Imas Machinery manufactures milling plants, milling ma- chinery, band saw machines for cutting metal, steel const- ruction feed plants and feed machinery etc. The company has operations such as research and development, product design, diagram design, system design, software and auto- mation for this sector. Imas Machinery has received 21 designs and patents within the scope of recent R&D works. Accelerating its activities in this field, the company has become the first company in Turkey to have an R&D center in machinery installation industry by establishing its R&D center in order to amplify itself in the sector. Imas is manufacturing high-technology products and ef- ficient and turn-key projects in the grain processing sector since 1989 under its Milleral. Imas is drawing the attention as a company gaining customers’ confidence with its swift after-sales. As for Viteral, it is another brand of theirs car- rying the deep-rooted experience of Imas to feed milling sector with the production of machinery, and production and installation of turn-key facilities for ovine, bovine and poultry feed.