Miller Magazine Issue 108 / December 2018
61 MILLER / DECEMBER 2018 COVER STORY flour production. He manages the flour factory installed by Torku that Anatolia’s abundance to dinner tables in Çumra. Having more than 15 years of experience in the sector, he graduated from the Flour Production Techno- logies from Konya-based Selçuk University and comple- ted the Food Engineering at the Atatürk University. He worked at various factories as laboratory technician, R & D engineer, flour process field expert, and quality control chief. We talked with Fatih Öcal on Torku’s plans and the future of milling sector. Mr. Öcal, can you talk about Torku Un and provide information on the factory you manage? We produce natural and plain flour since Torku’s prio- rity is “customer’s health.” We are one of the most mo- dern technology factories in Turkey. For the first time in Turkey, fire-resistant material is used in building this factory. The main target of our investment is to contribu- te to the sustainable agriculture in Turkey, primarily the Central Anatolia region. Beside biscuit, wafer, cake production facilities, the new and technological flour factory, which will turn the wheat of the region farmer into flour, was commissioned in the last months of 2016. In the first stage, the factory produced various types of flour but now it met the raw material’s need for Torku Baked Goods, Biscuit, Cake, and Wafer Production Facilities. Torku Flour Factory that stands in the same place with facilities, which produce snack products of Torku, zeroed the delivery cost of flour. Thus, it contributed positively to other facilities. The quality control and process control studies that start with raw material input and end with the control of the final product are carried out with meticulously in our state-of-the-art laboratory. All controls and analyzes are carried out with sensitively from wheat to flour transfor- mation. Also, in accredited laboratories, validation anal- yzes are carried out and the sensitivity of quality control processes is increased. Our facility produces the highest quality and reliable products as a requirement of “respect for human.” The facility, which has TSE ISO 9001 and 22000 documents, TSE documents in product groups, and brand registrati- on, produces reliable products. “WE WILL CLOSE AN IMPORTANT GAP IN THE INDUSTRIAL FLOUR PRODUCTION” Torku Flour Factory produces flour for biscuits and wa- fers, cake flour, and the whole wheat flour. The closed area of the factory, which is planned to be seven-store- yed, is 1585 square meters. The factory has 10 pieces of 250-ton wheat storage silos. 200 tons of wheat is pro- cessed daily. This factory was built with the logic of an
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