Miller Magazine Issue 108 / December 2018

71 MILLER / DECEMBER 2018 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM Konya-based Imas Machinery, whi- ch was established in 1989 under the umbrella of İttifak Holding, is among leading technology suppliers for the mil- ling industry. Imas contributes to the development of the milling industry with high-technology and efficient machinery and plants as well as innovative solutions. Imas is among a few brands having its own patents in the sector and it exports its technology to Central Asian count- ries, Africa, Turkic republics and the United States. The company builds flour, semolina, corn flour factories and feed plants for the ovine, bovine and poultry. Mustafa Özdemir, the General Manager of Imas Ma- chinery, gives some keywords for the success of Imas as “innovation, quality, technology and sustainability.” Mustafa Özdemir gave an interview to the Miller Ma- gazine. He talked about recent projects of his company. Imas has successfully completed 39 projects all over the world and it is working on 17 projects in various count- ries. Imas also made it into the US market where quality standards are higher. According to the General Manager of Imas, the Northern America market is a “Premiere Le- ague for companies offering high quality and service.” “Imas supplies machines to global food giants like ADM and Cargill. Our activities and success in this market pro- ved that we are a global player,” he says. The milling industry has also some shortcomings. The biggest problems are; “market shrinkage, increasing competition and quality problems as a result of excessi- ve number of manufacturers breaking into the market” according to Özdemir. You can find our interview with Mustafa Özdemir, the General Manager of Imas Machinery below: Imas is a leading company for the milling techno- logies industry. First of all, could you please tell us about the company’s history and its role in the sector today? Our company was established in 1989 under the umb- rella of İttifak Holding. We always aim to be on the top of the list. We are one of the three largest firms among Turkish milling machine manufacturers and among top 5 companies in the world. We have hi- ghly experienced and professional teams for production, mar- keting and after-sa- les services and we practice working ha- bits of international norms. We focus on cutting-edge tech- nologies, production rate and standardi- zation, minimizing production costs, and offering immediate support all of whi- ch are demanded by the customers in the global market. We continue to operate with knowledge, ex- perience, and responsibility to realize corporate conti- nuity principles. We have different brands for different areas of ope- ration: Milleral for grain milling, Viteral for feed milling, Cuteral for saw bucks and Steral for the steel construc- tion sector. We offer manufacturing and installation machines and turnkey plants for processing grains like corn, rye, oat, barley into flour and semolina under the brand name of Milleral. We transferred our experience of manufa- cturing and installation of machines and turnkey plants into the feed sector under the brand name of Vitaral for ovine, bovine and poultry. We offer high-speed horizontal band saw machines in many models like semi and full automatic, pivot, double column, circular, high speed and PLC band saw mac- hines under Cuteral. Steral is operating in the fields of establishing turnkey projects like steel constructing, in- dustrial buildings, service buildings, social buildings (ho- tel, mall, hospital), stadiums and bridges. And please give us brief information about your ma- nufacturing facilities. Our factory is established on 60,000 square-meters area and it has a closed are aof 30,000 square-meters . We have a parking lot of 42 cars, 1 km length walkway, basketball and volleyball courts. The layout of our fac- tory is made compatible with the machine manufactu- ring process and planning, and minimizing the waiting time. We have warehouses of 2000 square-metes for finished and semi-finished goods. Thanks to our 6 kW fiber laser, we have increased our