Miller Magazine Issue 109 / January 2019
New year, new excitement… We have left behind 2018. Now we are looking forward to the chal- lenges and opportunities of the new year. The new year means new ac- hievements, new experiences and new hopes. We, as Miller Magazine, are trying to examine ourselves to publish a better magazine. We are aware that there are hard work and serious efforts behind each success. The positive feedback we received in 2018 is proof of this. We start 2019 with a powerful issue. Our guest author for the January issue is Sergey Feofilov, General Director of UkrAgroConsult, serving global agribusiness operators from 50+ countries worldwide, delivering quality market information and analysis for decision making. And three esteemed professionals contribute to our cover story. The first of them is Suat Irmak, the Harold W. Eberhard Distinguished Profes- sor in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering at the Univer- sity of Nebraska-Lincoln. A worldwide renowned scientist/researcher, Dr. Irmak has an outstanding record of publications and scholarly output with around 350 publications and over 500 technical/scientific/educa- tional presentations in regional, national and international conferences. Another important academician who contributed to our cover is Prof. M. Levent Kurnaz, Director of Bogazici University Center for Climate Change and Policy Studies. Skilled in climate modeling, sustainability and environmental activism, Prof. Kurnaz has one international book and 32 scientific papers in international journals. The last contributor for the cover is Abdülkadir Külahçıoğlu, CEO of Pasta Industrialists Associ- ation of Turkey. For this issue, we interviewed with President of the Russian Grain Uni- on, Arkady Zlochevsky, who has a significant role in Russia’s becoming the world’s biggest exporter of wheat. The country focus was written by Mr. Guruswamy Chandrashekhar, a global agribusiness market spe- cialist and the world’s most respected expert on Indian pulse markets. Ms. Elena Neroba, the Director of the Daniel Trading SA, writes a brilli- ant market analysis. Lastly, Mirko Filip, General Manager of Filip Sieve Cleaners and Ivan Kasynyuk, a partner at AVELLUM, a leading Ukrainian full-service law firm which advises biggest agro traders like ADM and COFCO, contributed Miller Magazine’s January issue. May all your wishes do come true in 2019. editor Namık Kemal PARLAK Parantez Media Parantez Media Parantez Media company/miller-magazine millermagazine MillerMagazine Parantez Publishing and Congress Ltd. Gökevler Mah. 2312 Sok. No:16/37 Ginza Corner Plaza, Esenyurt / İstanbul - TURKEY T. +90 212 347 31 64 F. +90 212 212 02 04 On Behalf of Parantez Publishing and Congress Ltd., Owner Zübeyde Kavraz International Sales and Marketing Muhammed F. Akatay Executive Editor Namık Kemal Parlak Responsible Manager Özlem Buyruk Editor Mustafa Yağmurlu Cemalettin Kanaş Art Director and Visual Design Cemil Ataysoy Legal Adviser Ayşe Özlem Bulgu Consultancy Board Derviş Toprak Ergin Ünver Mehmet Şerif Gültay Rıfat Tanık Zafer Ergezen Referee and Scientific Advisory Board Prof.Dr. Mustafa Bayram Asst. Prof. M. Kürşat Demir Asst. Prof. Halef Dizlek Asst. Prof. Harun Dıraman Asst. Prof. Mustafa Erbaş Prof.Dr. Hazım Özkaya Publication Type - Periodic (Monthly) Printing Maviay Ofset Etiket Matbaa San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Litrosyolu 2. Matb. Sit. No: 1BF2 Topkapı / İST. Tel: 0212 613 47 65 All copyrights belong to Parantez Publishing. © May not be used without permission. Responsibility of the ads belongs to the advertisers. ISSN 1309-6125 Copyright Page
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