Miller Magazine Issue 109 / January 2019

Bühler focus on Consumer Foods with new segment 34 “Akyurek Technology has a global appeal” 72 Fatih AKYÜREK Indonesia’s wheat flour imports declines by 40 percent 26 Bread shortage feared in Zimbabwe as wheat mills shut down 32 TABADER to carry its Gathering of Doyens to the international stage 24 COFCO joins initiative to modernize global agricultural commodity trade operations 36 The Effect of Climate Change On Grain Production 50 Grain market 2018/19 expectations Why high-quality sieve cleaners pay off and positively influence the yield in the mill? 74 86 “Mergers in f lour industry are inevitable because of f ierce competition” 64 Cem Oğuz Kırtız Mirko Filip Elena Pitek (Neroba) Countdown for IDMA 2019 20 Economist: Trade war has given agricultural merchants a boost 48 $1.8 billion-bid for Australia’s GrainCorp 44 Technology Platform Cover Story Market Analysis Interview Article Contents News