Miller Magazine Issue 109 / January 2019

21 NEWS MILLER / JANUARY 2019 ons of the world notably from Africa and South Ame- rica. Parantez Fair will support OAİB’s studies towards Procurement Committees with its data over 90-thou- sand-professionals covering 144 countries and its team conducting promotions in 5 languages. Together with this strong collaboration, Procurement Committees from approximately 40 countries will be brought to IDMA. TURKISH AIRLINES SUPPORTS VISITORS The fair organizer company Parantez International Fair continues its one-to-one promotions as well as attending events on numerous points on the globe and making use of every channel such as press, social media and digital marketing in an optimum way for amplifying the visitor population of IDMA, the add- ress of sector representatives seeking for profitable investments. Furthermore, Parantez tries to think of ways to pro- vide economic convenience for the visitors and, for this purpose, Parantez made an agreement with Tur- kish Airlines (THY) for a 20-percent-discount for pro- viding an economic flight to the passengers coming to Turkey-İstanbul for IDMA 2019 Exhibition. Together with this agreement, THY, which is a leading global airline, became the “Official Airline” of IDMA 2019 exhibition. TRAINING SUPPORT TO VISITORS The Milling Training that has been started for cont- ributing to the qualified workforce of the milling, flour and feed sectors will be held for the third time on 21-23 March 2019 under the roof of IDMA. Certi- fied Milling Training, which was given in IDMA 2013 for the first time and in IDMA 2015 for the second time and aroused great interest, will be realized under the organization of TABADER, leading Turkish secto- rial association. The training will be held at two separate halls towar- ds flour and feed industries in English and Turkish si- multaneously. On the first day of the three-day trai- ning; common topics that concern both the flour and feed industries such as energy management, innovati- on, R&D, P&D, quality control, and risk analyses will be discussed. On the following two days, subjects like spe- cial storing techniques for grain (flour) milling and feed milling, new global trends, diagram, additives and vita- mins, quality control, automation, machinery and me- chanical maintenance, ration preparation, preliminary purification and crushing lines will be discussed. The theoretical training that will be given by expert acade- micians and industry representatives will be supported with new product and technology demos that will be organized in the fairground. The participants will take their certificates at the end of the three-day training. Detailed information and registration form are availab- le at milling-training ABOUT IDMA FAIR IDMA Exhibition, which is organized by Parantez Fair in order to announce the innovations and deve- lopments in grain and pulses processing industry to the world, was first organized in 2005. IDMA Exhi- bition which is held in Istanbul every 2 years and has increased both the number of exhibitors and visitors to a large extent since the first year it was organized is currently the only international technology exhibi- tion which is held globally for grain and pulses pro- cessing technologies. In the exhibition where compa- nies developing technologies, products and services for grain and pulses industry take part as exhibitors, the latest technologies developed for flour, semolina, corn and feed mills and pulses cleaning, packaging, pasta and biscuit plants are exhibited. Besides, the latest innovations in grain storing silos, filling, con- veying and unloading systems, laboratory equipment, additives, packaging machinery and equipment, spare parts and sub-industry products are presented to the taste of the visitors in IDMA.