Miller Magazine Issue 109 / January 2019
25 NEWS MILLER / JANUARY 2019 lishment of the Year. TABADER International Gathe- ring of Doyens and the Award Ceremony will have an international concept in coming years. Categories: 1. The Half Century in the Sector: Those doyens who spent 50 years in the sector and contributed to the development of the sector 2. Those Who Left Us: Doyens who added value but passed away. 3. Those Who Contributed to the Development of the Sector: Those who worked for the sector around the world and added value. 4. Those Who Brought Value to the Sector: Those who added value to the sector although they work in different areas around the world. 5. Young TABADER: Those youngsters who develo- ped the sector through their works, thesis, new com- panies, new approaches, and new innovations around the world. 6. The Establishment of the Year: Visionary insti- tutions and organizations who contributed to the de- velopment of the sector and help gain value through their studies and innovative approaches (stock mar- kets, chambers, export associations, unions, and es- tablishments, etc.) TABADER IFP: INTERNATIONAL FLOUR, FEED, PULSES SUMMIT Before the International Gathering of Doyens and the Award Ceremony, TABADER will host the Flour, Feed, and Pulses Summit (IFP-2019). TABADER, which continues its efforts for the summit in full swing, will host the business people that will evaluate the prob- lems, economy, and future of flour, feed and pulses sector worldwide. Renowned doyens around the world will come together and share their opinions during the summit. TRAINING SUPPORT FROM TABADER TO THE SECTOR In order to meet its training tar- gets to educate qualified people for the sector, TABADER will hold the International Certified Miller Training during IDMA to be held between 21 and 23 March 2019 in the fair avenue. In two different halls for flour and feed sector, the training will be held simultaneous- ly in English and Turkish. On the first day of the three-day long tra- ining, topics such as energy ma- nagement, innovation, research and development, production and development, quality control, and risk analysis will be discussed. For two days, the training will cover storage techniques particular- ly for grain (flour) milling and feed milling, new trends in the world, diagram, design, additives and vitamins, quality control, automation, machine and mechanic maintenance, ration preparation, pre-cle- aning, and breaking lines. The theoretical training that will be provided by academicians and industry representatives will be supported with new product and technology showcases in the fair area. Partici- pants will have certifications after three-day long program. In order to fill out the registration form and access more information, visit .
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