Miller Magazine Issue 109 / January 2019

70 INTERVIEW MILLER / JANUARY 2019 Interwiev: Namık Kemal PARLAK Arkady Zlochevsky President of the Russian Grain Union “Black Sea region determines the grain prices. It is the main region for supply of wheat… Russia is the world’s biggest exporter of wheat because of the extra wheat. Russia will boost the export of wheat. We will make the harvest grow bigger. We will have more extra wheat so we have to supply more grain abroad.” “Russia to boost its wheat exports” Russia has managed to capture more than half of the global wheat market in recent years, becoming the wor- ld’s biggest exporter of grain, thanks to bumper harvests and attractive pricing. In 2016, the country became the world leader in wheat exports and U.S.,Russia’s main ri- val in the global grain market, can hardly expect to get back to top place soon. Since the early 2000s, Russia’s share of the global wheat market has quadrupled. Russia produced a record yield in the past agricultural year, col- lecting a total of 135.4 million tons of grains and expor- ting over 40 million tons of wheat. Experts believe that despite damages caused by drou- ghts this year, the country will continue to strengthen its position on the global market. Aggregate cereal exports in the 2018/19 marketing year (July/June) are forecast at about 42 million tons, the second highest volume af- ter last year’s record. Wheat shipments, accounting for about 80 percent of total cereal exports, are expected at 34.5 million tonnes. Milller Magazine interviewed with the President of the Russian Grain Union, Arkady Zlochevsky, who has a signi-