Miller Magazine Issue 109 / January 2019
PAKISTAN 83 MILLER / JANUARY 2019 Pakistan is an important player in the world grain market focusing on export of rice, followed at a distance by wheat. The country is rated among the world’s top five exporters of rice in the company of India, Thailand, Vietnam and USA. While world rice production is about 490 million tons and world rice export is about 48 million tons, Pakistan’s rice production is in the vicinity of 7.0 million tons represen- ting 7 percent of world production. However, the country’s strength lies in its export. “A major player in the world grain market, Pakistan’s most important products are rice and wheat. Pakistan is the top five in rice exports. And wheat production is around 25-26 million tons per annum. Because the country consumes almost all of its produc- tion barring a small quantity for export, Pa- kistan has a vibrant wheat milling industry. Investments are now sought to be made to modernize these mills. Also, the country has opportunity to produce more whe- at through improved agronomic practices to feed the growing population. Pakistan is thus a market to be watched. It has po- tential for growth in terms of both produ- ction and consumption of rice and wheat. Investment in modernization of the milling industry – both rice and wheat – will result in supply chain efficiencies and lend a com- petitive edge to its grain export efforts.” Guruswamy Chandrashekhar* PAKISTAN: AMONG THE WORLD’S TOP FIVE IN RICE EXPORTS
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