Miller Magazine Issue 110 / February 2019

21 NEWS MILLER / FEBRUARY 2019 Under the coordinatorship of Turkish Ministry of Commerce and with the organization of Central Ana- tolian Exporters Union (OAIB), procurement committe- es will be brought to 8th IDMA Exhibition from many locations of the world notably from Africa and South America. Mr. Akatay is confident in terms of visitors numbers. Parantez International Fair Inc. will support OAIB’s studies towards Procurement Committees with its data over 90-thousand-professionals covering 144 countries and its team conducting promotions in 5 lan- guages. The company conducting collaborative work with 58 associations from all over the world achieved to get approval for group-based participations from over 25 countries. Reminding that IDMA 2017 Exhibition aroused inte- rest with more than 7 thousand visitors from different nationalities, Mr. Akatay states they expect more visi- tors this year. According to him, countries like Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, Ni- geria, Pakistan, India and Kazakhstan will be prominent in terms of visitors. Mr. Akatay also emphasized many professional ma- nagers, investors, members of non-governmental or- ganizations connected with the grain industry from Spain, Bulgaria, UAE, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Bra- zil, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Argentina completed their online registration for visiting the exhibition. TURKISH AIRLINES’ DISCOUNT FOR THE VISITORS Parantez made an agreement with Turkish Airlines (THY) for up to 20-percent-discount for providing an economic flight to the passengers coming to Turkey-İs- tanbul for IDMA 2019 Exhibition. Together with this agreement, THY, which is a leading global airline, be- came the “Official Airline” of IDMA 2019 exhibition. TRAINING PROGRAMME WITHIN THE EXHIBITION The Milling Training that has been started for cont- ributing to the qualified workforce of the milling, flour and feed sectors will be held for the third time on 21-23 March 2019 under the roof of IDMA. Certified Milling Training, which was given in IDMA 2013 for the first time and in IDMA 2015 for the second time and arou- sed great interest, will be realized under the organiza- tion of TABADER, leading Turkish sectorial association. The training will be held at two separate halls towards flour and feed industries in English and Turkish simul- taneously. The participants will take their certificates at the end of the three-day training. Detailed informati- on and registration form are available at https://www. ABOUT IDMA FAIR IDMA Exhibition, which is organized by Parantez International Fair Inc. in order to announce the inno- vations and developments in grain and pulses proces- sing industry to the world, was first organized in 2005. IDMA Exhibition which is held in Istanbul every 2 years and has increased both the number of exhibitors and visitors to a large extent since the first year it was or- ganized is currently the only international technology exhibition which is held globally for grain and pulses processing technologies. In the exhibition where com- panies developing technologies, products and services for grain and pulses industry take part as exhibitors, the latest technologies developed for flour, semolina, corn and feed mills and pulses cleaning, packaging, pasta and biscuit plants are exhibited. Besides, the latest in- novations in grain storing silos, filling, conveying and unloading systems, laboratory equipment, additives, packaging machinery and equipment, spare parts and sub-industry products are presented in IDMA.