Miller Magazine Issue 110 / February 2019
22 NEWS MILLER / FEBRUARY 2019 Leading German rice, lentil and pea processor proves that when it comes to investing in sorting technology – you get what you pay for. When buying sorting te- chnology, focusing on its value to improve profitability in the longer term is a wise business strategy – as the success of Müller’s Mühle shows. Müller’s Mühle is part of GoodMills Deutschland GmbH. It is one of Europe’s largest rice refiners and Northern Europe’s largest processor of peas, beans and lentils. At its headquarters, at the inland port of Gelsen- kirchen-Schalke in western Germany, it employs 140 people, has a production capacity of 120,000 tons and each year turns over some € 60 million. Peas from Europe, beans from Asia and North Ame- rica and lentils from North America arrive at Müller’s Mühle world-class facility. When sorted, they are sold under Müller’s Mühle’s own brand (it is a leader in rice, pre-boiled rice and pulses) and various others, with customers ranging from wholesalers and cash and carry businesses through big supermarket chains to professi- onal caterers and kitchens. HIGHEST PRODUCT QUALITY AND YIELD Founded in 1893, Müller’s Mühle has used Bühler equipment since 1913. More recently, three of its pro- cessing lines have been using SORTEX technology. As Plant Manager, Tobias Breuer, explains: “When we re- built our rice mill in 2010, we successfully trialed and invested in SORTEX optical sorters, because they gave us the highest product quality and yield. “And we ac- When investing in processing technology, leading German rice, lentil and pea processor Mül- ler’s Mühle is driven by value rather than mere price. “Other available options may initially appear cheaper, but it’s a false economy when you consider the added value you get with a Bühler sorter. The yield is better, the spare parts are better and last longer, the technicians are highly trained and experienced.”says Tobias Breuer, Plant Manager of Müller’s Mühle. Investing in quality ensures greater value for Müller’s Mühle
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