Miller Magazine Issue 110 / February 2019
23 NEWS MILLER / FEBRUARY 2019 hieved the same capacity by using two SORTEX sorters as we did when using five of our previous sorters. Plus we got a better reject ratio and we could call upon Ger- man-speaking technicians nearby for servicing.” Müller’s Mühle also has Bühler optical sorters on its pea and lentil processing lines, providing a vital final quality check before packing. “Since installing the SOR- TEX A, there has been a substantial increase in yield and a decrease in complaints,” says Breuer. “Previous- ly, most complaints were about discolored product, and while discoloration doesn’t present a food-safety issue, it’s associated with lower quality. However, the SOR- TEX A not only delivered a far superior sort quality, but complaints about FM (foreign materials) also fell, beca- use the SORTEX technology is more accurate when it comes to identifying difficult to detect FM. “Customer satisfaction is vital to us and we’re always looking for ways to further improve our already high-level product quality and safety.” RISING TO THE CHALLENGE The SORTEX Z+ improves quality and safety on Mül- ler’s Mühle’s rice line, by removing FM such as glass, sticks and stones, as well as defective product. Bühler Sales Engineer, Johann Högler explains: “The type of defects removed are rotten grains, rice with black tips, greyish rice kernels, etc. Müller’s Mühle can now also ta- ckle mud balls and clumps of bran, thanks to the option they were given by Bühler to retrofit an InGaAs upgrade kit on their SORTEX Z+. Bühler offer their customers a full range of service packages, such as upgrade kits, so that they can benefit from the latest technologies at a fraction of the cost of an equivalent new machine.” The main challenge when sorting peas is to remove shelled from unshelled peas, as well as foreign seeds such as wheat. Defective products must also be taken out, including peas that are discoloured, rotten, miss- haped, broken or split. Making sure that any trace of wheat is removed from lentils and peas is also essential, with many buyers ex- pecting and needing them both to be gluten-free. The SORTEX A’s technological capabilities are tested to the maximum, because discoloured product and FM can be almost the same colour as good-quality lentils. For added reassurance, Müller’s Mühle has TotalCare contracts on all of its SORTEX machines. Breuer adds: “We’re delighted with the support and service we rece- ive from Bühler SORTEX, especially the quick response time we get should any issues arise.” PRICE VERSUS VALUE As Breuer says, when investing in processing tech- nology, Müller’s Mühle is driven by value rather than mere price. “Other available options may initially appe- ar cheaper, but it’s a false economy when you consider the added value you get with a Bühler sorter. The yield is better, the spare parts are better and last longer, the technicians are highly trained and experienced. They know what they’re doing, they’re always available – and I can trust them.” When researching their options, Müller’s Mühle heard very good things about SORTEX sorters from other mills, Breuer reveals. “We’ve been very impressed with our de- alings with Bühler, but especially the way their people in London worked with us during trials. “We looked around to compare latest technologies, but found that Bühler offe- red the best overall package – yield as well as expertise and service support. We’re happy we chose SORTEX sorters.” RETURN ON INVESTMENT “You get what you pay for,” Högler adds. “The SOR- TEX Z+s have been working optimally and delivering gre- at sorting results for many years. Processors who choose cheaper optical sorting options usually discover that in the long run – it costs them more. The breakdowns are more frequent and the downtime longer, because the techno- logy isn’t as reliable and the customer service isn’t as qui- ck. “Also, performance of the sort will vary, which means the quality of the sort isn’t consistent nor is the yield, whi- ch damages profits. If the optical sorter is rejecting good product instead of defects and FM, yield loss can be signi- ficant. Our sorters have a better reject concentration than most other options and they deliver much better value for money, as Müller Mühle and many other businesses have already discovered.”
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