Miller Magazine Issue: 112 April 2019
24 NEWS APRIL 2019 Bühler introduces blockchain-ready solutions at Hannover Messe Food safety outbreaks pose a significant burden to public health and welfare, as well as to the economy. According to a 2015 World Health Organization report, every year, al- most one in 10 of the global population fall ill after eating contaminated food and 420,000 people die. Children under the age of five are hit hardest, representing 40% of those affected with 125,000 deaths each year. Unsafe food is also very costly for low and middle-income economies, which lose around USD 95 billion in productivity each year, with employees who are too ill to work. Product recalls are also extremely costly for food producers. “Time is critical when dealing with a food safety issue with the avera- ge direct cost of a product recall known to be around USD 10 million,” said Stuart Bashford, Bühler’s Digital Officer. At the Microsoft booth at the Hannover Messe, Büh- ler showcased leading-edge technologies to address these global challenges and increase food safety standards, inc- luding Laatu, a breakthrough technology to reduce micro- bial contamination in dry goods, and Tubex Pro, a smart, self-optimizing scale system that produces a constant flow of production data. Integrated into Bühler’s advanced Yield Management System, Tubex Pro can improve production ef- ficiency and yield, and unlock a new degree of traceability and transparency. These solutions connect to the Bühler Insi- At the Microsoft booth at the Hannover Messe, Bühler introduced lead- ing-edge technologies to increase food safety standards. Laatu is a break- through technology to reduce microbial contamination in dry goods, and Tubex Pro, a smart, self-optimizing scale system. These solutions are con- nected to the Bühler Insights IoT platform to ensure a new degree of trace- ability and transparency along the food value chain.
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