Miller Magazine Issue: 112 April 2019
40 NEWS APRIL 2019 tion, pulses are one of the most important products, and they are considered as a strategic product. 25 percent of the world’s total pulses production is carried out in India and 10 percent in Canada. Total export of pulses is around 20 million tons and has increased by 80 percent in the last ten years. Canada and Australia, the largest suppliers, account for 27% and 18% of total exports, respectively. World pulses imports have increased by 96 percent in the last ten years. While the top importers are Asian countries, 35% of the world im- ports are made by India and 7% is China. The world’s most widely produced pulses are dry beans. It has a production volume of 31 million tons, an ex- port volume of 4.3 million tons, and an import volume of 3.7 million tons. The exports of world dry beans have increased by around 60 percent in the last ten years. In 2017, Myanmar realized 25 percent of total exports ap- proximately. The United States, China, Argentina, Can- ada, and Ethiopia have been other important exporter countries. The imports of world dry beans increased by 50 percent in the last ten years and reached 3.7 million tons. India followed this import with 15 percent and the United States with 4 percent. The world’s production of chickpeas is 15 million tons. It has 3.2 million tons of export volume and 3.5 million tons of import volume. More than half of the world’s exports of chickpea (59 percent) were carried out by Australia. This country is followed by the United States with 6 per- cent, Argentina and Canada with 5 percent. As for the im- port of world chickpea, India was the leading country with 45 percent and Pakistan with 14 per- cent as of 2017. The amount of chickpea import in the world has increased by about four times in the last ten years and reached 3.4 million tons. World lentil production is around 8 million tons. There are 3.6 million tons of export volume and 3.9 million tons of import volume. Canada, which meets 46 percent of exports, is the leader country with 1.6 million tons of lentil exports. Turkey meets 7 percent of the world’s len- til exports and ranks the 4th with 264 thousand tons of exports. Other important countries are Australia and the USA. When the export quantities of countries are exam- ined; the largest increase is seen in Australia. Turkey’s ex- ports of lentils increased two times in the last ten years, the amount of Australian exports has increased by eight times. India is the leader of world lentil imports with a share of 28 percent. India is followed by Turkey with 9 percent. IMPORT AND EXPORT HAVE INCRESED IN PULSES Ahmet Güldal, General Manager of TMO, has shared his thoughts about pulses market in Turkey: According to TURKSTAT 2018 data; 51 percent of the pulses pro- duction is chickpea, 25 percent is red lentils, 18 percent is dry beans, and 3 percent is green lentils in 2018. As of 2017, total plant production value was 135 billion TL. The production value of legumes in 2017 was 4.7 billion TL. Of these, 53.7 percent was chickpea, 23.1 percent was dry beans, 20.5 percent was red lentils, and 2.1 per- cent was green lentils. In 2018, the exports of legume worth were USD 344 million. 54 percent of this was red lentils, 30 percent chickpeas, 6 percent dry beans, and 1 percent green lentils. In 2018, the import value of dry pulses was 338 million dollars. 41% of this was red len- tils, 35% chickpeas, 8% dry beans and 5% green lentils. Although the plantation areas for pulses in our country have shrunk by 20 percent in the last ten years, production has increased by 43 percent. On the other hand, although our imports doubled, our exports have tripled. Our chickpea production was increased by 22 percent in the last ten years. Especially in 2018, our production was above the consumption figure, and we have become a net exporter. In 2018, total chickpea imports amounted to 93 thousand tons ($119 million) and exports amounted to 117 thousand tons ($102 million). In 2018, the main suppliers of chickpea imports were Argentina (21 thou- sand tons), Mexico (16 thousand tons), and Bangladesh (14 thousand tons). Our exports were carried out to Iraq (17 thousand tons), Pakistan (16 thousand tons), Jordan (9 Ahmet Güldal, General Manager of TMO
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