Miller Magazine Issue: 112 April 2019

93 INTERVIEW APRIL 2019 PROGRAMME 14:30 *Harvest Evaluation of Turkish Regions (Moderator: Mr. Rint Akyuz) -- SOUTHEAST ANATOLIA REGION - Mr. Yahya Kassap / ATILIM AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING -- MARMARA REGION - Mr. Gürsel Erbap / DORUK FLOUR INDUSTRY -- EGEAN REGION Ó Ó,QR Ó XSDMÓ×@MC@QÓ(ƄÝJÓ Ó× -# 1.ņ4++ 1(Ó#$18 Ó%+.41Ó(-#42318 -- SOUTH Ó Ó,Q Ó,TSKTÓ#NŇQTÓ Ó/1$2(#$-3Ó.%Ó # - Ó% 1,$12 Ó 22."( 3(.- -- CENTRAL ANATOLIA REGION - Mr. Ayhan Atalay / ATA SEED INDUSTRY 16:00 - 16:30 A question and answer section and closing PARTICIPIANT FEES: 270 € ACCOUNT NAME: !-+ 02ô)303+1 *ôŗ*#2ŗƂŗ+ô &ŗ8+#2*#0ŗô*2" ôƂ2ŗ ô ,) ô/, ô$ŗ, ,1 ,)ô Ƃ ô ô#30- IBAN: TR12 0011 1000 0000 0050 6240 10 *Allbankchargesbelong to thebuyer ACCOUNT NO: 50624010 BRANCH NO: Çetin Emeç / 868 15'$2ô!-"# ô$,, 20'1666 4' ô'LRCPL?RGML?Jô &3 3"#0ô!MLDCPCLACô “Towards 2019/2020 Grain Harvest in Turkey & the World” 16 May 2019 ô+?WôcôGǯ?PôBGLLCP Ankar @Ó"QNVMÓ/ laza Hotel Place: Ankar @ Ó"QNVMÓ/ laza Hotel 15 May 2019 / Wednesday ÓÓ(Ȓ@QÓCHMMDQ 16 May 2019 / Thursday 09:00 Register and “Welcome” 09:30 Opening Speeches -- Mrs. Gülfem Eren / CHAIRWOMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF HUBUDER -- Mr. E. Günhan Ulusoy / CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TUSAF -- Mr. Ahmet Güldal / GENERAL MANAGER OF TMO 10:30 -- Mr. Dmitri Rylko “The Russian and Black Sea Crop: The Results of 2018/19 Ó@MCÓ/QNRODBSRÓENQÓ h 11:00 -- Mrs. Andre Defois / &Q@HMRÓRSQ@SDFX Ób#NÓ/QHBDRÓ lready 1Dȏ ect the Global Heavy Wheat Ó/ erspectives for 2019/20? What Role for the EU in this Context?”. 11:30 -- “Inspirational life stories: a woman farmer from Amasya – Ayten Çöl 12:00 Lunch Break 13:00 -- Mr. Cihan Soyalp (ASSISTANT OF GENERAL MANAGER OF TMO) “New crop expectations and TMO policies” 13:30 Ó,Q Ó KHÓ Ň@NŇKTÓ “What to expect about the economy in the near future? What about 10 years later?” T. +90 212 265 05 71 W. E.