Miller Magazine Issue: 112 April 2019
94 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM APRIL 2019 Rıdvan Karaküçük Hitit Makina-İntermilling Co-founder The Mill Truck that was launched in IDMA Exhibition became the outstan- ding product. The Mill Truck has been designed by Intermilling and Kas- tenmüller. A German and a Turkish company invested in long R&D efforts to design The Mill Truck. “Visitors showed a great deal of attention to our mobile mill and it was sold to an African country, Zambia in the first day of the fair. The Mill Truck can be mounted on a trailer and have a production capacity of 24 tons of flour. We have received three orders from Turkey and abroad. The Mill Truck can be easily deployed and operated in war or disas- ter regions in order to prevent food insecurity. It can meet bread need of 65 thousand people. We used to take the wheat to the mill in order to obtain flour but The Mill Truck makes just the opposite,” says Rıdvan Karaküçük, Co-founder of Intermilling. Times have changed: The mill goes to the wheat to make flour
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