Miller Magazine Issue:114 June 2019
60 COVER STORY JUNE 2019 ggest problems in the market. Local wheat prices also two or three times higher than other wheat types in the market because they have low-yield. As a result, breads made of local type of wheat becomes 4 or 5 times more expensive than regular bread in the market. The main advantage of those kinds of wheat is the gluten content. They are poor in gluten so they don’t swell much and their glycemic index is low. As a result, consumers be- lieve that those breads are more artisan and functional. These consumers want to eat siyez wheat for healthy and tasty consuming but when the flour is mixed he/ she can not obtain these advantages. And it causes un- fair competition. Furthermore, bakers have difficulty in making breads with those types of wheat. So they blend them with high-gluten flour to obtain a better shape. The end product may be ‘siyez bread’ but definitely not the low-gluten product the consumer demand. It is true that ancestry seeds are an important opportu- nity for Anatolian bakers since they are in the category of functional food but innovative efforts are needed to re- alize this potential. Innovation may allow Turkish bakers to penetrate into world markets with functional products. In order to do that, local wheat types should be proces- sed with other local raw materials and a strong bakery brand should be created. Food futurism is also a very trendy concept. Creating new products from local wheat varieties for future ex- pectations and needs. For example Kastamonu pastrami, thin-skinned (üryani) plum and siye wheat may used to form a new product. Another example can be given for Göbeklitepe which is thought to be the first place of agri- culture. A brand can be created in Şanlıurfa province to produce gift products for world bakery market. If you want to market local wheat you have to sell its historical background also. LIFE TIME OF SEEDS IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENT There were many projects about ancestry wheat types in recent years but most of them were useless efforts expect being marketing activities like collecting ancestry seeds and redistributing them. In addition to this, claims of breeding seeds that are thousands of years old are ba- seless and unscientific. Because, if seeds are not kept at a place like genbank, their life can not exceed 4-5 years. Older seeds can not give crops. Burned seeds also can
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