Miller Magazine Issue:114 June 2019
not be bred. It is safe to say that using those seeds is not possible with today’s technology. Ancestry seed swap festivals may also be fun but they are not found to be scientific. One of the contradictive issue is about using ancestry wheat for breading. Some breeders see this possible whi- le some others object it. We have to think about what the advantage of ancestry wheat is. They have relatively low gluten content, low glycemic index and slightly hi- gher protein rate. It is widely thought that they can to- lerate harsh climates but may not always be the case. Making generalisations would be a mistake since harsh climate toleration may change between years. Further- more, most of the ancestry whet types have low yield. In addition to that pesticides or chemical fertilizers are not be used with those wheat types so they will possib- ly vulnerable to pests and and become extinct. Another contradictive issue is hybrid seeds. There are claims that they may cause infertility and this claim do not reflect the reality. Ancestry wheat are cultural inheritance elements. They contributed to the history of a region. So we can not compare them with modern seeds. We should see them as the most important element of cultural inheritance. We also have to pay importance to certified seeds, yield, protection against plant diseases and tolerating harsh climate conditions. Our aim should be to transfer those seeds as an inheritance to next generations. The wheat became a source of energy and life for the humankind thousands year ago and people are still in a struggle of finding bread to eat and they maintain emo- tional ties with food items, especially the bread. In this article we tried to evaluate ancestry seeds issue and cre- ate awareness.
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