Miller Magazine Issue:114 June 2019

67 INTERVIEW JUNE 2019 Providing a valuable source of nutrition for the Euro- pean market with the motto of “We unlock the power of grain”, The GoodMills Group is the largest milling company in the continent, with its 25 mills in seven countries. Processing 2.9 million tons of grain, it contri- butes to the nourishment of Central and Eastern Euro- pe. As the largest European flour producer, GoodMills supplies to industrial, bakery and retail clients. Leonhard Gollegger, Chairman of the Executive Bo- ard of The GoodMills Group, answered Miller Magazi- ne’s questions on their role in European nutrition, inno- vations they presented to the sector, future investment plans and the state of European milling industry. Mr. Gollegger who has profound international experience and outstanding expertise in the food sector, empha- sizes GoodMills’ position as one of the world’s leading innovators in grain-based ingredients. Noting that in all their milling plants state of the art technology is be- ing used, Gollegger said the new mill construction on the Rhine in Krefeld is one of the biggest investments in the milling sector in Europe for a long time. CEO of the GoodMills also said they don’t seek for acquiring a new company in the industry but he didn’t rule out such a possibility when an advantageous opportunity presents itself. Here are our questions and Mr. Leonhard Golleg- ger’s answers: GoodMills is the lea- ding milling company in Europe. It’s an important player in European nut- rition. Could you please provide us with some brief background infor- mation on GoodMills and its activities? We produce quality flour and other milling products, providing an es- sential base for valuable nourishment. We supply to industrial, bakery and retail clients and we are strongly rooted in the lo- cal markets using advan- tages of the international know-how, synergies and capabilities. Our company motto is “We unlock the power of grain”. GoodMills operates in Central and East Europe. How many mills do you have all over Europe and where are they located? How many people do you employ? The GoodMills Group GmbH is a holding company with twenty-five mills located in seven countries. The holding company is based in Vienna, Austria, as well as its local Austrian subsidiaries, and it has operations in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. In total the company employs around 1,600 people. Can you give us some information about your milling capacity and technologies you use? We currently mill 2.9 million tons of grains across the seven European countries. We closely coopera- te with all leading milling technology companies and have a strong internal technical team that ensures that all our locations use state of the art technology and processes. In milling, it is about ensuring that feasible/ affordable technology is used as efficiently as possible. Therefore we invest in cutting edge milling technology where appropriate but also focus on using existing te- GoodMills is building a 365.000 tons/year capacity mill on the Rhine in the city of Krefeld in Germany.