Miller Magazine Issue:114 June 2019

68 INTERVIEW JUNE 2019 chnology as efficiently as possible. Which kind of products do you produce? What are your best-known brands? Our product range stretches from traditional flour to specialty flour, customer-specific mixtures, functional flour (with enhanced nutrient qualities) which is par- ticularly beneficial to human health, and many more. We offer flour from different grains, not just wheat but also rye, spelt, durum (for pasta) and corn. The va- riety of mill products, both conventional and organic, is orientated according to market requirements and fulfills the demands of all our different customer segments. Our branded consumer products, or “Power-Bran- ds” as we like to call them have all been established in their respective countries for many years. These range from “Finis Feinstes” in Austria, and it’s local translation in Czech Republic, Hungary & Romania to “Basia” in Poland and “Diamant”, “Rosenmehl” and “Aurora” in Germany. Therefore we have a large portfolio of 1 kg products across our markets. Where do you export your products? The vast majority of our products are sold for local domestic consumption, however, we do export some products to countries such as Italy, Greece, UK to name just a few. WORLD’S LEADING INNOVATORS IN GRAIN-BASED INGREDIENT GoodMills has introduced various healthy and in- novative products to the European market. What can you say about the innovations and solutions that you have brought to the milling industry? Here at the GoodMills group we are constantly as- king and seeking from our customers what it is they want from their supplier. Our clients today expect and demand that as a grain processor we maintain a high moral obligation to impact positively on our environ- ment. Our customers want to know that we are taking concrete measures that respect human beings and bio- diversity. In this respect, with our subsidiary, GoodMills Inno- vations, we are acknowledged as one of the worlds le- ading innovators in the area of grain-based ingredients that are both highly functional technologically or in ter- ms of health. As an example of this, GoodMills Innovation has de- veloped RUTIN X Tartary buckwheat, a product that in a world where carbohydrates are regarded by many consumers as responsible for high insulin excretion, and thus for gaining weight, is very relevant. Traditionally food products made from Tartary buckw- heat were naturally bitter and consequently don’t taste good to many people. RUTIN X Tartary buckwheat, by contrast, has been developed via a special process that neutralizes the bitter taste of the past, while protecting its high level of rutin and thus retaining its natural po- sitive properties. Today, insects can be used in the production of fish feed and pet food within the European Union.