Miller Magazine Issue:114 June 2019

79 ARTICLE JUNE 2019 (the Lessor) and LLC “V.F. Tanker” (the Lessee). OJSC “WEB Leasing” has been entered into the Ukrainian list of sanctions. While staying at the sea port, there was the last lease payment term. Following lease payment, title on the vessel was transferred to LLC “V.F. Tanker”. The- refore, now there are no lawful and reasonable groun- ds for further vessel detention. Unlawfulness of further detention has been certified also by Expert’s Opinion of the Koretsky Scientific and Research Institute of State and Law. But Kherson District Administrative Court rejected the claim on vessel release. Now it got clear how thin the line between legal and political matters is. Further vessel detention will threat essential losses to be incurred by the state of Ukraine, due to the vessel further idle stay, while the shipowner will obtain damage reimbursement from the insurers; - case on m/v SEABREEZE (IMO: 9143312). The court made an order on arrest of one vessel due to the other vessel’s actions. Although the Prosecutor Office states that both vessels have the same manager, today it is false statement, since the company had ceased to manage the vessel long time before the sanctions were imposed. The- refore, information from out-of-date commercial sources has launched state mechanisms and in fact has impeded absolutely lawful and transparent business; - case on m/v KANTON (IMO: 9412311). The court arrested m/v KANTON (flag of Tuvalu) for breach of the regime of calling at the Crimean sea ports. Having called at the closed Crimean sea ports, shipowners, masters and crew members committed the crime stipulated by Article 332-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. - case on m/v SKY MOON (IMO: 7525334). In 2016 the vessel was detained due to breach of the procedure of entering/leaving the occupied territory of the Crimea, followed by her seizure in favor of the state of Ukraine in 2017. * NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this ar- ticle are those of the authors and do not necessarily rep- resent or reflect the policy or position of Miller Magazine.