Miller Magazine Issue:114 June 2019
UKRAINE 86 JUNE 2019 Ukraine has powerful potential for growing and exporting cereals and oilseeds. Although Ukraine ac- counts just for 3-4% of global wheat and barley out- put, the country plays a key role in world exports. At the same time, there is still quite serious potential for further expansion of production and exports. The period of 2010-2018 showed that large invest- ment, which enables farmers to observe growing pra- ctices, leads to a considerable increase in grain yields. Grain resources in Ukraine are enough not only for meeting the needs of the food industry and the ani- mal sector, but also for stepping up grain exports. The global upward trend in the population of developing countries suggests that demand for inexpensive grain, in particular for Ukrainian one, will increase. At the moment, Ukraine accounts for 9-10% of glo- bal wheat exports, up to 17% of corn exports and 15-20% of barley exports. Climate and environmental conditions allow culti- vating all basic grain crops in Ukraine and obtain har- vest which significantly exceeds the level of domestic consumption. Over the last ten years Ukraine has significantly increased grain production. When at the beginning of 2000s the average grain production was about 33 MMT, by now the five-year average level of grain har- vest has grown by 90% to 63 MMT. Wheat, corn and barley are the main crops in Uk-
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