Miller Magazine Issue: 115 July 2019

59 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2019 Improving the milling quality of wheat: technical and economic evaluation of cleaning Profile of the 2018 wheat harvest Partner: ARVALIS – Institut du végétal Quality of 2019 malting barley Partner: IFBM Baking: what challenges for tomorrow? Artificial intelligence to boost the cereal industries How to make the most of the variability of raw materials? Partner: Inra 70 es JTIC LILLE GRAND PALAIS CONFERENCES JOURNÉES TECHNIQUES DES INDUSTRIES CÉRÉALIÈRES #JTIC2019 16 & 17 OCT. 2019 D, research scientists and applications experts at the company’s own Stern Technology Center carried out trials in order to determine the baking properties and possible loss of activity of vitamin D3. The product used was spray-dried vitamin D3 that had been sta- bilized with tocopherol to protect it against oxidation. The products tested were vitaminized bread and biscuits, the usage level being 7.5 μg/kg flour. In terms of 100 g of the baked product, the vitamin fortification was therefore 15 percent of the Nutritional Reference Value (NRV). The technologists were extremely satisfied with the results of baking. The powder was very finely distributed, proved to be easy to use and did not impair either the sensory at- tributes or the appearance of the end products. With regard to stability, the results differed between bread and biscuits. In the case of white bread/sandwich loaves, the loss of activity measured was between 15 and 20 percent. The baking temperature was 200 – 210 °C, and the core temperature at the centre of the loaves during the 30-minute baking time reached about 98 °C. In the case of the biscuits, the activity of the vitamin fell by about 30 percent. The reason for this was the slightly higher baking temperature and the small, flat shape of the pieces. The temperature at the centre of the biscuits was therefore much higher, which led to increased degradation processes. However, such processing losses are taken into ac- count from the start when flour fortification concepts are calculated. A corresponding increase in the pre- scribed usage level ensures that the necessary vitamins are still present in sufficient amounts after baking. *If you have any questions, please approach Lena Kampehl, product developer at Mühlenchemie. She can be contacted at: