Miller Magazine Issue: 116 August 2019
Let’s deep on this topic. Despite the restrictive measures of the leading importers, the world total export and import of pulses increased during the last 4 seasons. Top exporters over the years remain almost unchanged: Canada, Australia, USA, Rus- sia, Myanmar, and Ukraine. The rating of importers isn’t that static; however, Top 3 is stable over the years: these are India, China, and Pakistan. As well draw your attention to the fact that the total import of pulses increased in all these countries. India remains the most significant consumer and importer of pulses, second in the world concerning the production. The primary pulses in India are im- ported from more than 30 countries, including My- anmar, Canada, USA, Russia, Australia, Ukraine, Tanzania and others. TOP EXPORTERS OF PULSES, MT. 2017-2018 TOP IMPORTERS OF PULSES, MT. 2017-2018 The interest in the pulses is growing up like the stem in the fairy-tail to the sky. We expect an in- crease in consumption of non-traditional markets. Don’t state that new markets will play a primary role, but the present trend is worth noticing and keeping in mind. Nutritional benefits of pulses are well recognized by governments and health organ- izations globally and are recommended as part of a healthy diet. Health organizations focused on di- abetes, heart disease and cancer promote pulse consumption as part of healthy diets for reducing the risk of these chronic diseases. That is confirmed by statistics of the total pulses production in the world during the last 4 seasons. As evident, dry beans constitute the bulk of puls- es volume and are second concerning the value. In volume terms, this is followed by chickpeas, which production grew by 10% during the last 4 seasons while the volume of dry beans decreased from 45% to 39%. The amount of productions of peas and lentils doesn’t show any significant changes and remains just about 24% and 11% respectively. During the season 2015-2016 total pulses pro- duction reached 50 mln mt, in the next season it was slightly over 54 mln mt. In the current season, the total production of leguminous crops has been reached more than 54 million tons and more than 57.5 million tons in the previous season. The de- cline in production was due to a diminution in world prices for legumes and the actions of the govern- ments of major importers, aimed at supporting lo- cal producers. For example, during the past sea- son, the Indian government set import tariffs on legumes: 50% for peas, 60% for chickpeas, 30% for lentils. TOTAL PULSES PRODUCTION, MT. 2018 – 2019 Moreover, the pulses has declared war on the meat, therefore more and more people use meat consumption. They change for different reasons:
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