Miller Magazine Issue: 116 August 2019
20 NEWS MILLER / AUGUST 2019 due to concern for the state of the environment, which is detrimental to traditional animal husband- ry; caring for their health or caring for animals. In economically prosperous countries, the number of people who are vegans or flexitarian is growing. No need to clarify that this situation is the first hint for everybody that Mr. Bob is starting to be famous and important for all over the world. Moreover, the artificial meat made from legumes is becoming extremely popular. The leading pro- ducers of innovative meat are startups. In the US, Beyond Meat raised $ 241 million in investment this May. Investors of American manufacturer Impossi- ble Foods, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates, have invested $ 450 million. So, it’s easy to predict the growth of vegetable protein in our meal, which has several benefits: easily digestible, with a long shelf life, no transit fat and cheap. Attempts by startups to completely rebuild the meat production market are charming for many in- vestors. According to Nielsen in September 2018, the market for meat substitutes reached $ 3.7 bil- lion. Celebrities, among whom was Leonardo Di- Caprio, billionaires Sergey Brin and Lee Kachin, invested in the cultivation of meat analogs in the laboratory. Corporations are also involved in this game un- der the name “Forever Pulses”. Nestle is going to launch its line of products for vegans under the brand “Incredible Burger”, which push the humanity to rethink about the need for meat in their meal, es- pecially when nowadays the environment is not so perfect for the growing the cattle. PHW Group, the largest poultry producer in Germany, now sells Be- yond Burger along with its products. Tyson Foods, the largest meat producer in the USA, has already managed to invest in Beyond Meat, although it has quickly sold its share, and now it plans to launch its line of alternative protein products. Also, Europe keeps up with the times, and the French Agriculture Fair has created a stake from lentils, and it’s not the end of replacing delicious well know pieces of meat. Finally, what we can say “WOW, Great job Mr. Bob, you are a lucky one because Bill Gates spon- sored you”.
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