Miller Magazine Issue: 116 August 2019

72 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / AUGUST 2019 Interview: Namık Kemal Parlak Ukraine is one of the most important players in the world grain market. Thanks to a bumper harvest, Ukraine exported nearly 50 million tons of grain to world markets in 2018/2019 agricultural season. For our Technology Platform section, we inter- viewed with Oleksandr Vereshchynskyi, General Director of OLIS, Ukraine’s leading company in the development, production and implementation of technologies and equipment for the grain processing industry. Mr. Vereshchynskyi told Miller Magazine Odessa-based based company’s expansion, their innovations, vision and future plans. ‘Our promising markets are wherever there is grain’ Oleksandr Vereshchynskyi Doctor of Enginering Science General Director OLIS Ltd. Mr. Vereshchynskyi, could you please provide us with some brief background information on your com- pany and its activities? OLIS Company is a leading supplier of modern technical solutions for grain processing. We develop, produce and implement technologies and equipment for grain cleaning, grain processing into flour and cereals, as well as laboratory equipment for determining the quality of grain and its prod- ucts. Production capacities of the company and its manage- ment are located in Odessa, Ukraine. Work on the markets is carried out by our distributors, providing the organization of sales, supply of spare parts and the provision of service. We have made significant investments in development and our company today has newmodern production facilities, ad- vanced means of production as well as the latest methods of organizing and managing all processes. Could you tell us about the benefits of products