Miller Magazine Issue: 116 August 2019

73 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / AUGUST 2019 manufactured by your company? First of all, our technologies and equipment are distinguished by high efficiency, reliability and reasonable cost. Such perfor- mance is the result of our research and development work. To this end, we have created a research laboratory equipped with specially designed instruments and equipment that allow us to model and study any grain processing processes. We also have a test stand, where we test and refine our solutions in the required modes. We have several powerful and reliable part- ners; these are grain processing enterprises that are leaders in their product markets. They help us conduct industrial testing of new technologies and equipment. In addition, we have the most important thing - it is a high intellect and skillful hands of Ukrainian researchers, engineers and workers. To which markets does your company supply its products and which markets do you consider promis- ing? What is your sales strategy? About 60% of our products we sell in Ukraine, the rest are exported. Among our customers are enterprises from 15 countries on different continents. To the markets with the large flows of grain, we mainly supply the same equipment we sell in Ukraine. However, in many regions of the world, a significant amount of grain is grown and processed by rela- tively small flows, so we pay great attention to solutions for this segment also. Our promising markets are wherever there is grain. The company’s sales development strategy is to thor- oughly work out in the domestic market, primarily those solu- tions that can be successful in other markets. Who are the customers of your company and what kind of relationship do you have with them? Our customers are entrepreneurial people. Among them there are small and medium-sized enterprises, large port eleva- tors, large industrial companies, as well as powerful agricultural holdings. We are sure that reputation is above all; therefore, to be honest is our most important rule! In our work, there are tasks of varying complexity and for their solution we always have the necessary reserve of perseverance, knowledge and technical capabilities. Our customers understand that they have a reliable, competent and strong partner. How do you feel about your competitors? What competitive methods do you consider most effective? Firstly, we perceive our competitors as a natural and regular phenomenon that does not allow us to “to be asleep” and this teaches us a lot. When there is healthy competition, there will be development. Secondly, we know that if old rivals disappear, new ones will take their place. Therefore, it is better to be those ones we do know. Thirdly, we always say good things about our competitors, because we respect them and ourselves. A good company cannot have bad competitors. The best meth- od of competition is to demonstrate our success and hard work together with specialists in the grain processing industry. Could you please tell us the new projects that you have completed recently? We launch the grain cleaning complexes of different capac- ities and equip production laboratories with instruments all the time in the different countries. In addition, during the past year, we launched three groats plants for processing buckwheat into grains, as well as a groats processing plant for oats. These projects were implemented in Kazakhstan. What are your plans and expectations for the com- ing years as a company? Ukraine is a large grain market, which develops actively and therefore the best companies from all over the world prefer to work here. At the same time if we successfully compete here, we can really hope for a good prospect both in the domestic market and in the external one. Our plans are still connected with the development and investment in new ideas.