Miller Magazine Issue: 117 September 2019
54 COVER STORY MILLER / SEPTEMBER 2019 contamination from agricultural chemicals. The crop and livestock sectors use 70 percent of freshwater resources and, together with forestry, occupy 60 per- cent of the Earth’s land surface. Livestock alone uses 80 percent of global crop and pasture area. Approxi- mately 60 percent of the world’s ecosystems are de- graded or used unsustainably, which poses serious threats to food security and nutrition. By definition, sustainable food systems produce nutritious diets for all people today while also protect- ing the capacity of future generations to feed them- selves. Sustainable food systems use resources effi- ciently at every stage along the way from farm to fork. Getting the most food from every drop of water, plot of land, speck of fertilizer and minute of labour saves resources for the future and makes systems more sustainable. Turning waste products like manure and food scraps into valuable fertilizer or energy can im- prove sustainability. Pests and diseases damage crops and animals, and reduce the quantity and quality of food available for humans. Using safe and effective methods to control these losses in production, processing and storage helps make food systems more sustainable. Consumers can do their part by choosing balanced diets and minimizing food waste. Outputs of the sus- tainable food systems contributes to food securi- ty by ensuring availability of food with production, distribution and exchange; access to food with purchasing power and marketing; food utilization with nutritive value, social value and security. Safe food production improves sustainability by providing access and efficiency to the market, which ensures economic development and poverty reduction, especially in rural areas. The investment in consumer food safety education has the potential to reduce foodborne diseases and save up to $ 10 per dollar invested. Ensuring food safety is there- fore the key to achieving many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. To comply with global food standards, to establish effective reg- ulatory food control systems including emergency preparedness and response, to provide access to clean water, to implement good agricultural practic- es, to strengthen the use of food safety manage- ment systems by food processors and to increase the capacity of consumers to make healthy food choices are the necessary solutions to ensure food security. Those measures needs to be considered and implemented as a joint responsibility between governments, producers and consumers. SOURCES:
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