Miller Magazine Issue: 119 November 2019
64 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / NOVEMBER 2019 “The conditions required for the healthy storage of agricultural products are provided by drying machines. Dried products by primitive techniques are a seri- ous threat to human health and economy. The method of making money within the sector is providing healthy and homogenous drying techniques. TECO has developed dryers with low energy requirement without ignoring environmental conscience. We do not imagine, we do!” ‘We produce environmentally friendly, energy-saving dryer machines’ Meeting food demand of an increasing population re- mains a major global concern. Reducing postharvest losses presents a sustainable solution to increasing food availability. Grains are the main staple food in most of the developing nations and account for the maximum postharvest losses on a calorific basis among all agri- cultural commodities. As much as 50%–60% of grains can be lost during the storage stage. For this issue, we interviewed with Aykut Coşkun, Aykut Coşkun TECO Dryer CEO
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