Miller Magazine Issue: 119 November 2019
70 ARTICLE MILLER / NOVEMBER 2019 The interaction and synergie between pasta makers, millers and agricultural prodcuers will be interlocked cre- ating also a marketing scheme that will fulfill the players requests and demands. The miller will produce a good product for which he will be paid a good price, the miller will buy at high prices a product that will produce good semolina that will also fetch a high price in the market, and the pasta producer will buy high quality semolina that will allow him to reach the top end markets, with the interaction between design and high industry practices. WHAT IS THE IDEAL TYPE OF DURUM WHEAT ? There are two main seg- ments of parametres, the or- ganolectic specifications and the intrinsic specifications: a) Organolectic specs: • High test weight, to achieve high milling yields • Low moisture, to avoid transporting water, low impu- rities • Homogeneous produc- tion, homogeneous varietal type • Low broken kernel per- centage • High vitriosity percentage, higher semolina, lower flour yields b) Intrinsic quality specs for the production of sem- olina: • High proteine content • Elastic gluten quality • High yellow colour index • Low ash content EXAMPLES OF THEORETICAL GRIST BLENDS: The following are just theoretical examples of grists that may be blended for the result required, and could mean that if a one type of wheat had the required speci- fications the blend could be much reduced to one quality and one variety. A) Italian durum + Canadian + Greek/Spanish B) Italian durum + French High Proteine + Greek/Spanish C) Italian durum + Kazakhstan durum (if quality specs are met) There could be of course, other blends, and each miller and each pasta maker have their own “secret blend” and secret know how in order to reach their final product, but in all cases, the higher the possibili- ties of reaching the requested specificatiosn will mean higher prices and better results for all the string of in- dustry from farm to plate. 4. Some Design Thinking, Economical and Financial Approach • The consumption market is in the Mediterranean area • The high income and high end market levels are in the EU • Freights and logistics are easier, simpler and more
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