Miller Magazine Issue: 119 November 2019

72 ARTICLE MILLER / NOVEMBER 2019 manageable • Durum wheat can be designed for a permanent year- ly demand • The size of cargoes may be smaller, reducing finan- cial costs (purchase vs sales) • Cultivation contract give solutions to producers and consumers WHAT DO THE FIGURES TELL US ? • Italian pasta is over 50% of all consumed pasta in the EU and abt 20% of the world • Italian pasta exports are about 2 mln mtonnes yearly • Pasta consumption in the world is increasing strongly all around • Italy imports every year from 1 mln to 1.7 mln tonnes of durum wheat • To keep pace with pasta export growing demand, the durum demand will increase • Italian importers will welcome high quality, sound loy- al and merchantable durum • EU regulations are strict, but achievable 5. So what is the design for the future ? • Knowing the quality requirements, to establish culti- vation contracts • Knowing what is required, to segregate the wheat produced by qualities • Knowing the destination, to establish logistics, freights and destination assistance • Knowing the final use, to integrate in the traceability requirements WHAT ABOUT PRICES ? • The EU market is the high end of the price range, no other market will pay more (ceteris paribus) • Logistics need to be compared to ocean freights from canada, but cargo sizes play a huge role • Prices in Italy will show a premium for high quality product, always • Costs cannot be known, but extensive agriculture has been always cheaper than intensive Conclusions: • The market is there, and the trend is to grow further • The demand is concentrated in one area, the Med- iterranean • The knowledge of the requirements will ease the way to strong commercial development • Just as there is a design of pasta, there is a need for the designing of durum • High quality equals to high prices and pasta today is reaching all market segments from low consumer to high top end of market ready to pay high prices for a top rated product The idea behind this initial approach to design of pasta and durum was to render and explanatory procedure of what is needed and why it could be profitably produced and what the trend is. IMPORTANT NOTE: The sources of the images in- cluded is unknown in some cases, the images are only for illustration purposes of the paper and no copyrights have been requested. We are not knowledgeable of the copyright laws and do not take any responsibility of the use of these images, as there is no other purpose than the illustration of the explanations contained.