Miller Magazine Issue: 119 November 2019

82 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2019 “The production of wheat starches is mainly done by wet separation process out of wheat flour, where wheat flour has a different specification in comparison to all bakery flours. Of course, the focus while producing starch flours lies mostly on achievement of the highest possible yield of starch inside the flour. Another aspect is to create a uniform granulation according to different requests of the wet technology by different suppliers. Furthermore, the content of remaining flour/starch in bran should be as minimal as possible.” Dry milling of wheat in the biotechnological added value chain Thomas Strandt, Dr.-Ing. Senior Manager Division Grain Processing PETKUS Engineering GmbH, Germany Wheat, being the most important grain to produce bakery flour and bakery products, has a long history and tradition in human nutrition. However, apart from bakery pur- poses, wheat is also a source of a lot of other and innovative products in food, feed and non-food application. Starch industry is a growing sector in Eu- rope, where different starches are produced mainly from potato, maize and wheat. The production of all types of starch in 2016 in