Miller Magazine Issue: 119 November 2019
IRAN 94 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2019 “I think there is a huge misconception on the total Iranian Grain market (for trad- ers and technology providers and banks). The aim of the iranGrain conference is to provide clarity and transparency in this market with the regulatory framework of the existing sanctions.” iranGrain to provide transparency in Iranian grain market Iranian capital Tehran will host an important con- ference at the beginning of the December on grain and milling industry. Organized by Iran-Switzer- land Chamber of Commerce, iranGrain Confer- ence will bring government and private sector ac- tors under one roof on 2,3 December Tehran. The aim of the event is to bring together all global and local players in the grain and oilseeds community to share market knowledge and create a vibrant networks. Speaking to Miller Magazine, Sharif Nezam-Ma- fi, Chairman of the Board of the Iran-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce, underlines that “iran- Grain” is the largest gathering of global grain and oilseeds community that are working and are inter- Sharif Nezam-Mafi Chairman of the Board Iran-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce
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