Miller Magazine Issue: 120 December 2019
66 INTERVIEW MILLER / DECEMBER 2019 Khalid Sharif Al-Hazaa General Manager Al Hazaa Investment Group “Al-Hazaa Investment Group operates ten mills in five countries in the Middle East with a total production capacity of 4,000 MT/Day. In our mills, we mainly rely on our Swiss partner Bühler. The countries that we operate in have a very large popu- lation and depend heavily on bread in their eating habits which resulted in an in- creased demand for our products. Our focus in the future will be on the Iraqi market in order to follow up with the expected changes in the flour market there.” Al-Hazaa Group A milling giant in the Middle East Al Hazaa Investment Group is one of the leading business groups in the grain milling in the Middle East. The group has also other investments in the plastic industry, pasta production, and renewable energy sector. Starting with one mill in Iraq in the early 1940s, the group has become the regional pioneer in the milling industry with its 10 mills in 5 countries. The milling capacity of all mills is 4,000 MT per day. Speaking to Miller Magazine, Khalid Sharif al-Hazaa, General Manager of the Al-Hazaa Group defines the com- pany as ‘one of the most dynamic and successful family groups in the region.’ “The countries that we operate in have a very large popula- tion and depend heavily on bread in their eating habits which Interview: Namık Kemal Parlak
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