Miller Magazine Issue: 120 December 2019

74 MILLER / DECEMBER 2019 “Researchers and agronomists have been aware of the significance of protein in developing VRF Nitrogen applications, however there has not been available an instruments to measure the seed protein and therefore the nitrogen availability and uptake across the field. The CropScan 3300H On Combine NIR Analyser is the Missing Piece of the Precision Agriculture Puzzle. By combining protein and yield with GPS coordinates, a complete picture of the nitrogen availability and uptake can now be achieved.” How much Yield will you leave in the Field this harvest? Phillip Clancy CEO Next Instruments Sydney, Australia YIELD GAP The term Yield Gap refers to the difference between the actual Yield and the potential Yield that can be achieved across a farm or field. Across the world, the Yield for wheat crops varies from approxi- mately 2T/ha to 8.7T/ha. Aus- tralia has the lowest average Yield across the country where as Europe has the highest. Ta- ble 1 shows the data from the GRDC on the Yield and Yield Gap across eastern Australia. The table shows that Australian farms are pro- ducing around 50% of the wheat that is the potential to produce. Region Ya Yw Yg Y% SLAs (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) Northern 1668 3580 1912 46.6% 48 Southern 1827 3519 1692 51.9% 117 Western 1651 2977 1326 51.9% 63 National 1806 3477 1671 51.9% 259 # Table 1. Yield Gap results for the GRDC regions – 15 year (1996-2010) area weighted average values