Miller Magazine Issue: 120 December 2019

78 MILLER / DECEMBER 2019 “Spontaneous heating of moist grain can be prevented by cooling the grain mass using aeration. The release of or desorption of fumigants at the end of a fumigation can be achieved with relatively low air flow rates. Refrigerated air aeration can be used when ambient air may not be sufficient to protect grain against mites and insects, control self-heating of grain, or preserve the germination capacity and quality of stored grain in warm climates. A recent development is the use of wireless sensors for monitoring temperature and relative humidity to enable the technical personnel assess the effective use of aeration.” Preservation of stored grain by aeration Shlomo Navarro Hagit Navarro INTRODUCTION An acceptable practice to reduce the com- modity temperature is to use mechanical aera- tion by means of fans. It can be easily applied to stored grain or granular commodities. Aeration may be defined as “the forced movement of am- bient air of suitable quality or of suitably condi- tioned air through a grain bulk for improvement of grain storability” (Calderon, 1972). Aeration is also called “active,” “mechanical,” “low volume,” or “forced” ventilation, since fan power is used to deliver the air. Aeration should be distinguished Green Storage Ltd. Green Storage Ltd.