Miller Magazine Issue: 120 December 2019
86 ARTICLE MILLER / DECEMBER 2019 corporated to the package of the aeration equipment. Such wireless monitoring assists the operator in decision mak- ing on the necessity of intervention during the treatment. Furthermore, recent advancements in machine learning offer the capability for automatic aeration control through an easy-to-use web interface (Fig. 3) (Centaur Analytics, 2018). These automatic aeration systems combine grain conditions and weather data to produce an aeration plan that minimizes the aeration fan operating hours and maxi- mizes the benefits of the aeration process. Acknowledgement: Authors thank Mr. Nadav Inbari for his technical assistance in the preparation of this man- uscript. REFERENCES Arthur, F. H., Casada, M. E. 2005. Feasibility of summer aeration for management of wheat stored in Kansas. Appl. Eng. Agric. 21: 1027-1038. Arthur, F. H., Casada, M. E. 2010. Directional flow of summer aeration to manage insect pests in stored wheat. Appl. Eng. Agric. 26: 115-122. Burrell, N. J. 1982. Refrigeration, pp. 407–441, in C. M. Christensen (Ed.), Storage of Cereal Grains and their Products. American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc., St. Paul, MN. Calderon, M. 1972. Aeration of grain — benefits and limitations. EPPO Bull. 6: 83–94. Centaur Analytics 2018. (last visited February 2019) Cunnington, A.M. 1984. Resistance of the grain mite, Acarus siro L. (Acarina, Acaridae) to unfavourable physi- cal conditions beyond the limit of the development. Agric. Ecosystems Environ. 11: 319-339. Cuperus, G. W., Prickett, C. K., Bloome, P. D., Pitts, J. T. 1986. Insect populations in aerated and unaerated stored wheat in Oklahoma. J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 59: 620-627. Flinn, P. W., Hagstrum, D. W., Muir, W. E. 1997. Effects of time of aeration, bin size, and latitude on insect popu- lations in stored wheat: a simulation study. J. Econ. Ento- mol. 90: 646-651. Foster, G. W. 1953. Minimum airflow requirements for drying grain with unheated air. Agric. Eng. 34: 681-684. Harrington, J.F. 1973. Problems of seed storage, pp. 251.-263. In Heydecker, W. (Ed.) Seed Ecology, Pennsyl- vania State Univ. Press, University Park, PA, and London. Holman, L. E. 1966. Aeration of grain in commercial storages. Marketing Research Report No. 178. Agricul- tural Mar- keting Service, Res. Div. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 46 p. Hukill, W.V. 1953. Grain cooling by air. Agr. Eng. 34(7):456- 458. Hunter, A. J., Taylor, P. A. 1980. Refrigerated aeration for the preservation of bulk grain. J. Stored Prod. Res. 16: 123–131. Maier, D. E. 1994. Chilled aeration and storage of U.S. crops — a review, pp. 300–311, in Montross, M. D., Maier, D. E. 2001. A new moisture equilibration theory to predict moisture movement in a non- aerated grain mass. ASAE Paper no. 016110, ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan. Montross, M. D., Maier, D. E., Haghighi, K. 2002. Vali- dation of a finite–element stored grain ecosystem model. Trans. of the ASAE 45(5): 1465–1474. Navarro, S., Noyes, R. 2002. (Eds.) The Mechanics and Physics of Modern Grain Aeration Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 647 pp. Navarro, S., Donahaye, E., Calderon, M. 1973. Studies on aeration with refrigerated air. Chilling of wheat in a con- crete elevator. J. Stored Prod. Res. 9: 253–259. Navarro, S., Noyes, R.T., Cassada, M., Arthur, F.H. 2012. Aeration of grain. p. 121-134, In: Hagstrum, D.W., Phillips, T.W., Cuperus, G. (eds.) Stored Product Protec- tion, Chapter 11, Kansas State Research and Extension as Publication S156. pubs/S156.pdf Navarro, S., Noyes, R., Jayas, D.S. 2002. Stored grain eco-system and heat, and moisture transfer in grain bulks, pp. 35-78. In: Navarro, S. and R. Noyes (Eds.) The Me- chanics and Physics of Modern Grain Aeration Manage- ment. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Reed, C., Arthur, F. H. 2000. Aeration, p. 51-72. In: Sub- ramanyam, Bh. and D. W. Hagstrum [Eds.], Alternatives to Pesticides in Stored-Product IPM. Kluwer Academic Pub- lishers, New York. Reed, C., Harner, J. 1998. Cooling of stored wheat in mul- tiple or single cycles using automatic aeration con- trollers. Appl. Eng. Agric. 14: 495-500. Reed, C. R. 2006. Aeration. Pages 141-180 In: Man- aging Stored Grain to Preserve Quality and Value. AACC International, St. Paul, MN. Robinson, R.N., Hukill, W.V., Foster, G.H. 1951. Mechan- ical ventilation of stored grain. Agr. Eng. 32(11): 606-608. Shedd, C.K. 1953. Resistance of grain and seeds to airflow. Trans. ASAE. 34: 616-619. Stejskal, V., Vendl, T., Li, Z., & Aulicky, R. 2019. Minimal Thermal Requirements for Development and Activity of Stored Product and Food Industry Pests (Acari, Coleop- tera, Lepidoptera, Psocoptera, Diptera and Blattodea): A Review. Insects, 10(5), 149. U.S. Congress. 1989. Enhancing the Quality of U.S. Grain for International Trade, Office of Technology Assess- ment, Washington, D.C. Vertucci, C. W., Roos, E. E. 1990. Theoretical basis of protocols for seed storage. Plant Physiol. 94(3): 1019- 1023.
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