Miller Magazine Issue: 121 January 2020

64 MILLER / JANUARY 2020 “The dynamic behavior of a sieve is effective in determining both the quality and quantity of the product to be obtained and the tension and energy consumption of the mechanical system. In this respect, in addition to obtaining the desired quality product, minimum tension and energy consumption formation is essential. It must be ensured that the system enters the regulation until the start of the sieving process and the product flow begins, and also the tensions that occur during operation comply with the limits predicted in the design.” Sifters used in milling industry and their dynamic behaviors 1. Introduction Wheat is one of the cereals, plants grown in the world since ancient times. Since its devel- opment, it has become one of the most im- portant elements in the nutrition of people and has made a huge contribution to the develop- ment of civilization. It is known that wheat was identified and benefited around eleven thou- sand years ago. Wheat has been an important source of development both for humanity and animals and thus for the civilization since the time it was first grown. And this can be seen in the works of art remaining from many civili- zations in the Near East, especially in ancient Egypt, as it is seen in Figure 1. It is known that planar and conical stone mills, operated depending on human and an- imal power, were used in the periods follow- ing the grinding and use of wheat as food for humanity some eleven thousand years before today. With the beginning of the industrial rev- olution, and with the construction of a number of mills based on steam power, flour was pro- Murat APAKHAN Hakkı EKEM Ömer Sinan ŞAHİN Vice General Manager Imas Machinery R&D Manager Imas Machinery Konya Technical Universty