Miller Magazine Issue: 122 February 2020
COMPONENTS FOR THE TRANSPORT OF SEMOLINA AND FLOUR Seven s.r.l. Unipersonale Via Dell’Industria, 2 35012 Camposampiero PADOVA - ITALY Tel +39 049 8874518 Fax +39 049 8874517 Used in the milling sector to convey the product (durum wheat flour), these items are made of 10-12/10 gauge 304 BA grade stainless steel, electrically and TIG welded and polished externally; available in 105-120-150-200-250-300 mm diameters and a range of components in- cluding tubes, fixed segments and rotatable segments, valves, splices. COMPONENTS FOR MILLING SYSTEM Used in the Milling and General Industrial fields. Made from Z200 basis weight galvanised steel or, on request, AISI 304 2b stainless steel with thicknesses of 6-8-10-12/10 and various diam- eters and sizes for both standard Seven products and for customised productions.
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