Miller Magazine Issue: 122 February 2020
35 NEWS MILLER / FEBRUARY 2020 Digital Moisture Sensors for Grain, Rice and Animal Feed • Each sensor is a single, self-contained unit incorporating all functionality • Easy to install in drying, ducting, conveying or mixing processes • Simple ducting installation using the Hydronix System • Hydronix digital measurement technology for precise results • Wide moisture measurement range • Simple to install, calibrate and maintain Hydro-Mix XT Hydro-Mix HT High Temperature The Easy Way to Control Moisture Hydronix Ducting System and Andrew Sukup hold produc- tion roles at the company. Steve, the Board of Direc- tors, and third generation family members active in the company, are committed to ensuring that Sukup Manufacturing Co. re- mains family-owned, and sup- porting the keys to success the company has built since 1963: a strong dealer network, world-c- lass manufacturing capability, a responsive attitude to customer service, and engineering solu- tions to meet the needs of the global agriculture community. ABOUT SUKUP MANUFACTURING Sukup Manufacturing Co. is the world’s largest family-owned and operated ma- nufacturer of grain storage, grain drying and handling equipment, and steel buildings. The company is hea- dquartered in Sheffield, Iowa, and covers one million square feet of office, manufacturing and warehouse space. The com- pany employs more than 600 people, making it one of the lar- gest employers in North Central Iowa. Sukup’s product line inc- ludes on-farm and commercial grain bins; portable, mixed-flow and tower dryers; centrifugal and axial fans and heaters; stir- ring machines; bin unloading equipment and bin floors and supports. Sukup also manufactures a line of material handling equip- ment that includes bucket ele- vators, drag and chain loop con- veyors, and support structures; and a line of steel buildings. Sukup products are sold throughout the U.S. and Canada, and in more than 80 international countries. Steve Sukup
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